首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Economics & Management >Stochastic modeling of production risk and technical efficiency of Thai koi (Anabas testudineus) farming in Northern Bangladesh

Stochastic modeling of production risk and technical efficiency of Thai koi (Anabas testudineus) farming in Northern Bangladesh

机译:孟加拉国北部泰国锦鲤(Anabas testudineus)养殖的生产风险和技术效率的随机模型

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Thai koi is one of the high commercially valued farm fishes which have expanded tremendously in the northern part of Bangladesh. However, despite its impressive growth in the initial years, output of the industry is highly volatile across different years and farms. This research, following the Just and Pope framework, has made use of Kumbhakar's (2002) extended stochastic frontier model (SFM) to estimate production risk and technical efficiency (TE) in Thai koi farming. Results show that feed is the most important input significantly influencing production. Zeolite and pesticide appear to be risk-reducing, while fingerlings, labor, feed and salt turn out to be risk-increasing inputs. The inefficiency model indicates that labor and pond area significantly reduce the technical inefficiency. Feed, fingerling and lime also act as TE-improving factors. Education of farmers improves TE, while experience, training and frequency of water change do not impact the TE. The mean TE scores are 0.73 and 0.96 for the flexible risk estimate and conventional SFM estimates, respectively. TE values appear to become exaggerated when production risk is excluded from the model. SFM recognizes that risk is involved in Thai koi farming that causes lower TE.
机译:泰式锦鲤是具有很高商业价值的农家鱼之一,在孟加拉国北部迅速发展。但是,尽管在最初的几年中取得了令人瞩目的增长,但该行业的产出在不同的年份和农场之间却非常不稳定。这项研究遵循Just and Pope框架,利用了Kumbhakar(2002)的扩展随机边界模型(SFM)来估计泰国锦鲤养殖的生产风险和技术效率(TE)。结果表明,饲料是对生产有重大影响的最重要的投入。沸石和农药似乎降低了风险,而鱼种,人工,饲料和盐分却证明是增加风险的投入。低效率模型表明劳动力和池塘面积大大降低了技术效率。饲料,鱼种和石灰也可以改善TE。农民的教育可以提高TE,而经验,培训和换水频率不会影响TE。灵活风险评估和常规SFM评估的平均TE得分分别为0.73和0.96。当模型中排除生产风险时,TE值似乎变得过大。 SFM认识到泰国锦鲤养殖涉及风险,可导致TE降低。



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