首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Rapid incision of the Colorado River in Glen Canyon - insights from channel profiles, local incision rates, and modeling of lithologic controls

Rapid incision of the Colorado River in Glen Canyon - insights from channel profiles, local incision rates, and modeling of lithologic controls


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The Colorado River system in southern Utah and northern Arizona is continuing to adjust to the baselevel fall responsible for the carving of the Grand Canyon. Estimates of bedrock incision rates in this area vary widely, hinting at the transient state of the Colorado and its tributaries. In conjunction with these data, we use longitudinal profiles of the Colorado and tributaries between Marble Canyon and Cataract Canyon to investigate the incision history of the Colorado in this region. We find that almost all of the tributaries in this region steepen as they enter the Colorado River. The consistent presence of oversteepened reaches with similar elevation drops in the lower section of these channels, and their coincidence within a corridor of high local relief along the Colorado, suggest that the tributaries are steepening in response to an episode of increased incision rate on the mainstem. This analysis makes testable predictions about spatial variations in incision rates; these predictions are consistent with existing rate estimates and can be used to guide further studies. We also present cosmogenic nuclide data from the Henry Mountains of southern Utah. We measured in situ Be-10 concentrations on four gravel-covered strath surfaces elevated from 1 m to 110 m above Trachyte Creek. The surfaces yield exposure ages that range from approximately 2.5 ka to 267 ka and suggest incision rates that vary between 350 and 600 m/my. These incision rates are similar to other rates determined within the high-relief corridor. Available data thus support the interpretation that tributaries of the Colorado River upstream of the Grand Canyon are responding to a recent pulse of rapid incision on the Colorado. Numerical modeling of detachment-limited bedrock incision suggests that this incision pulse is likely related to the upstream-dipping lithologic boundary at the northern edge of the Kaibab upwarp.
机译:犹他州南部和亚利桑那州北部的科罗拉多河系统正在继续调整,以适应造成大峡谷雕刻的基准面下降。该地区基岩切开速率的估计值相差很大,暗示了科罗拉多及其支流的过渡状态。结合这些数据,我们使用科罗拉多州的纵向剖面以及大理石峡谷和大瀑布峡谷之间的支流来调查该地区科罗拉多州的切口历史。我们发现,该地区几乎所有支流进入科罗拉多河时都会变陡。在这些河道的下部,一直存在着超陡的河段,且有类似的高度下降,并且它们在科罗拉多州沿岸的局部起伏较大的走廊内重合,这表明支流正在变陡,以响应于主干切口率的增加。 。这种分析可以对切口率的空间变化做出可预测的预测。这些预测与现有的费率估算值一致,可用于指导进一步的研究。我们还提供了来自犹他州南部亨利山脉的宇宙成因核素数据。我们在Trachyte Creek上方从1 m升高到110 m的四个砾石覆盖的地表表面上实测了Be-10的浓度。表面产生的暴露年龄范围从大约2.5 ka至267 ka,建议的切开速率在350至600 m / my之间变化。这些切开率与高浮雕走廊内确定的其他切入率相似。因此,可用数据支持这样的解释,即大峡谷上游的科罗拉多河支流正在响应最近在科罗拉多州迅速切开的脉动。脱离受限基岩切口的数值模拟表明,该切口脉冲很可能与凯巴布隆起北缘的上游浸润岩性​​边界有关。



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