首页> 外文期刊>Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology >Relationship of insulin sensitivity to aerobic capacity in Standard bred mares and geldings

Relationship of insulin sensitivity to aerobic capacity in Standard bred mares and geldings


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The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between insulin sensitivity and aerobic capacity and serum adipocytokine leptin, adiponectin concentrations in 14 mature, unconditioned Standardbred horses eight mares, six geldings. Each horse underwent a euglycaemic-hyperinsulinaemic clamp EHC and a frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test FSIGT for assessment of insulin sensitivity. Aerobic capacity was determined by measurement of the peak rate of oxygen uptake VC>2peak during an incremental exercise test IET. Serum leptin and adiponectin concentrations were measured in baseline samples obtained before tests of insulin sensitivity. Mean body weight, condition score, VO2pCai< and run time during the IET did notdiffer between the sex groups. However, minimal model analysis of the FSIGT showed that insulin sensitivity S,, X lO lmlT1 nmT1 was higher P = 0.002 in geldings 4.21 ± 0.78 than in mares 2.43 ± 0.95, while the acute insulin response to glucoseAIRg and glucose utilization independent of insulin SG were significantly higher in mares. Similarly, glucose uptake M per unit of serum insulin I during the EHC M/l ratio tended P = 0.08 to be higher in geldings than in mares X 10 2mgkg-1min-' per ixlJml-1: 2.41 ± 0.64 vs. 1.80 ± 0.51. There was no significant relationship between VO2pCak and measures of insulin sensitivity. Stepwise multiple linear regression modelling determined that sex 65% and leptin concentrations 13.7% accounted for 78.7% of the variance in Sb while 46% of the variance in M/I could be attributed to sex. It was concluded that aerobic capacity is not an important determinant of insulin-mediated glucose disposal in mature, untrained Standardbred horses. Further studies are needed to examine the influence of gender on insulin sensitivity in horses.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定14匹成熟,无条件的8匹母马,6匹gel马的成熟,无条件的标准胰岛素敏感性和有氧能力与血清脂联细胞因子瘦素,脂联素浓度之间的关系。每匹马都进行了正常血糖,高胰岛素血症钳EHC和经常采样的静脉葡萄糖耐量测试FSIGT,以评估胰岛素敏感性。有氧运动能力是通过在递增运动试验IET中测量摄氧峰值速率VC> 2peak来确定的。在进行胰岛素敏感性测试之前,在基线样本中测量血清瘦素和脂联素浓度。 IET期间的平均体重,状况评分,VO2pCai <和跑步时间在性别组之间没有差异。但是,对FSIGT进行的最小模型分析显示,在胶凝剂4.21±0.78中,胰岛素敏感性S,X Xl mlT1 nmT1比母马在2.43±0.95中更高,P = 0.002,而对葡萄糖AIRg和葡萄糖利用的急性胰岛素反应与SG无关母马明显更高。同样,在EHC M / l比期间,每单位血清胰岛素I的葡萄糖摄取M趋于P = 0.08,在胶凝中要高于母马X 10 2mgkg-1min /每ixlJml-1:2.41±0.64对1.80±0.51 。 VO2pCak与胰岛素敏感度之间无显着相关性。逐步多元线性回归模型确定,性别的65%和瘦素浓度的13.7%占Sb变异的78.7%,而M / I变异的46%可以归因于性别。结论是,有氧运动能力不是成熟,未经训练的标准马匹胰岛素介导的葡萄糖处置的重要决定因素。需要进一步的研究来检查性别对马胰岛素敏感性的影响。



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