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The Influence of Age on Male Mate-Searching Behaviour in Thornbug Treehoppers


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One prediction from life-history theory is that males should increase investment in reproductive effort as they age because the opportunity for future reproductive events declines. However, older males may not be able to increase their reproductive effort if condition declines with age. The effect of age-related changes in condition may be especially important for energetically costly activities such as moving within and between habitat patches while searching for mates. Although such searching is a component of many mating systems, the relationship between age and active mate searching has not been investigated. We investigated whether mate-searching effort increased with age in the thornbug treehopper, Umbonia crassicornis (Hemiptera: Membracidae). In this species, males search for females using a 'fly-call-walk' strategy consisting of three phases: (1) flying from one plant to another; (2) walking and signalling while on a plant; and (3) close-range courtship of encountered females. We measured several aspects of mate-searching behaviour over the month-long period of a male's reproductive lifetime. Over the relevant period of male sexual activity (19-33 d), male condition remained stable. However, older males (25-33 d) did not search more actively than younger males as predicted; instead, younger males (19 d) had greater plant-to-plant flight activity and found females faster. Within-plant walking rates and courtship duration did not differ among age classes. These results suggest that thornbug males may be investing so heavily in mate searching at younger ages that they are unable to increase investment in searching effort when they get older. As a result, older males are likely to be at a competitive disadvantage when active searching is required to locate sparsely distributed females.
机译:生命历史理论的一项预测是,随着年龄的增长,男性应增加对生殖力的投资,因为将来发生生殖事件的机会减少。但是,如果病情随着年龄的增长而下降,则老年男性可能无法增加生殖力。与年龄相关的状况变化的影响对于能源成本高昂的活动(例如在寻找伴侣时在栖息地斑块之内和之间移动)可能尤其重要。尽管这种搜索是许多交配系统的组成部分,但尚未研究年龄和活跃的交配搜索之间的关系。我们调查了棘刺树蝉(Umbonia crassicornis)(半翅目:膜酸科)中寻找伴侣的努力是否随着年龄的增长而增加。在这个物种中,雄性使用“蝇叫漫步”策略寻找雌性,该策略包括三个阶段:(1)从一种植物飞到另一种植物; (2)在植物上行走和发信号; (3)遭遇女性的近距离求爱。我们测量了一个月男性生殖寿命中伴侣搜索行为的几个方面。在男性性活动的相关时期(19-33 d),男性状况保持稳定。但是,年龄较大的男性(25-33天)并未比预期的男性活跃得多。取而代之的是,年轻的雄性(19 d)具有更高的植物间飞行活动,发现雌性更快。不同年龄段的工厂内步行率和求偶时间没有差异。这些结果表明,bug虫可能在年轻时投入巨资进行配偶搜索,以至于他们长大后无法增加搜索努力的投资。结果,当需要主动搜索以找到分布稀疏的雌性时,老年雄性可能处于竞争劣势。



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