首页> 外文期刊>Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution >Genetic diversity patterns of rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces after migration by Tai Lue and Akha between China and Thailand

Genetic diversity patterns of rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces after migration by Tai Lue and Akha between China and Thailand

机译:Tai Lue和Akha在中国和泰国之间迁移后水稻(Oryza sativa L.)地方品种的遗传多样性模式。

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Cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) is genetically diverse, and the numerous landraces represent a valuable genetic resource for present and future rice breeding. Part of the genetic rice diversity is held by the ethnic minority groups of Tai Lue and Akha who migrated from southern China to northern Thailand over the past two centuries. We analysed variation in simple sequence repeats (SSR) and an indel in the ORF100 region in their rice germplasms in Thailand and in China to understand if the communities today in the Nan and Chang Rai provinces in Thailand still cultivate traditional rice landraces of the Xishungbanna region in southern China, and how such traditional germplasms have evolved in isolation after the human migrations. We found one multilocus genotype shared by all upland rice populations in China and Thailand and that several allelic combinations of the Thai populations can be traced to the alleles pools of upland and paddy rice of the Xishungbanna rice populations. However the frequent occurrence of hybrids between upland and paddy rice in the Thai and Chinese germplasms of both the ethnic communities reveal genetic erosion of the traditional landraces due to hybridization and introgression.
机译:栽培稻(Oryza sativa L.)在遗传上是多样的,许多地方品种代表了当前和未来水稻育种的宝贵遗传资源。稻米遗传基因多样性的一部分由在过去的两个世纪里从中国南部迁移到泰国北部的泰勒和阿卡族少数民族持有。我们分析了泰国和中国水稻种质中ORF100区的简单序列重复序列(SSR)和一个插入缺失,以了解泰国南部和昌莱省的当今社区是否仍在种植西双版纳地区的传统稻种在中国南方,以及这些传统种质在人类迁徙后如何孤立地进化。我们发现了中国和泰国所有陆地水稻种群共有的一种多基因座基因型,泰国种群的几种等位基因组合可以追溯到西双版纳水稻种群的陆地和水稻等位基因库。然而,在两个民族社区的泰国和中国种质中,陆地和水稻杂种的频繁发生表明由于杂交和渗入,传统地方种的遗传受到侵蚀。



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