首页> 外文期刊>Geoarchaeology >Palaeoeskimo site burial by solifluction: Periglacial geoarchaeology of the Tayara site (KbFk-7), Qikirtaq Island, Nunavik (Canada)

Palaeoeskimo site burial by solifluction: Periglacial geoarchaeology of the Tayara site (KbFk-7), Qikirtaq Island, Nunavik (Canada)


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The geoarchaeological study of the Palaeoeskimo Tayara site on Qikirtaq Island (Nunavik) has led to a better understanding of archaeological site formation in the arctic periglacial environment. The surrounding geomorphology (extra-site) is characterized by fine-grained, low plastic and leached postglacial glaciomarine sediments that have been reworked by sheet-like solifluction. This process buried the northern part of the Tayara site with mean annual rates between 1.68 and 2.86cm/yr over approximately 350 years (1330-980 yr B.P.). The physicochemical and mineralogical properties of the frost-susceptible glaciomarine sediments may explain their susceptibility to solifluction. This process was probably enhanced by longer thawing periods or warmer/moister summer months that induced active layer thickening or rapid soil thawing. The dates we obtained in the downstream valley show that solifluction occurred during short warm periods in the Late Holocene between ca. 1500 and 1000 yr B.P., after 1000 yr B.P. (or after 500 yr B.P.) and recently (90-60 yr B.P). Our data provide insights on the site factors and climate factors that govern site burial by solifluction. Solifluction promoted the preservation of the three superposed archaeological levels in the Tayara site; however, the waterlogging of the site related to solifluction also likely caused the subsequent abandomnent of the site by the Palaeoeskimo people. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:对奇基塔克岛(努纳维克)上的Palaeoeskimo Tayara遗址的地质考古研究使人们对北极冰缘环境中的考古遗址形成有了更好的了解。周围的地貌(异地)的特征是细粒,低塑性和浸出的冰川后海洋沉积物,这些沉积物已通过片状溶蚀作用进行了改造。这个过程掩埋了塔雅拉遗址的北部,在大约350年(公元1330-980年)期间,年平均速率在1.68至2.86厘米/年之间。易受霜冻的冰川海洋沉积物的物理化学和矿物学性质可能解释了它们对溶解的敏感性。较长的融化时间或夏季的温暖/潮湿会导致活性层增厚或土壤快速融化,从而增强了这一过程。我们在下游河谷获得的日期表明,固溶作用发生在晚全新世之间的短暖期。 1500和1000年B.P.,后1000 B.P. (或B.P. 500年后)和最近(B.P. 90-60年)。我们的数据提供了关于通过固溶作用控制现场埋葬的现场因素和气候因素的见解。固结促进了Tayara遗址三个重叠考古水平的保存;然而,与固溶有关的地点的涝灾也可能导致随后的古希腊人放弃了该地点。 (C)2008 Wiley期刊公司



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