首页> 外文期刊>Evidence-based cardiovascular medicine >PC-coated stents and abciximab do not reduce restenosis more than angioplasty in small coronary vessels

PC-coated stents and abciximab do not reduce restenosis more than angioplasty in small coronary vessels


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Background As the use of stents increases, so too does the incidence of in-stent restenosis. Each year, about two million percutaneous interventions are performed throughout the world. Clinical restenosis occurs in 12% to 15%, necessitating repeat revascu-larisation in 240,000 to 300,000 people each year. In early trials of stents, angiographic restenosis occurred in 15% to 20% of participants.However, as stenting was extended to more complex lesions and clinical groups, we learned that angiographic restenosis rates can reach 30% to 50% in complex lesions.Restenosis rates are higher in people with diabetes, small reference vessel diameters, and long lesions. A range of different techniques to reduce restenosis have been trialed, including coating stents with phosphorylcholine (PC).Objective Hausleiter and colleagues compared the effect on restenosis in small coronary arteries of PC-coated stents versus percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), with or without abciximab.The primary endpoint was incidence of angiographic restenosis (greater or equal to 50% diameter stenosis).Method Three hospitals in Germany recruited participants for this randomised trial between July 2000 and June 2002.



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