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Panel discusses farm labour issues


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The fight for reliable labour in Ontario is an ongoing one, and a recent meeting of the Norfolk Federation of Agriculture addressed that challenge head on. This topic was the primary focus of the federation's annual meeting. A panel of five expertsfrom the agricultural sector was on hand to discuss current developments on this front. Among the speakers were Gary Cooper, president of Foreign Agricultural Resource Management Services (FARMS); Ted Raytrowsky, representing the Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers' Marketing Board; Henry Neufeld, manager of Agricultural Programs and Services for the Canadian Employment Commission; Hector Delanghe of the Canadian Horticultural Council; and Ken Por-teous of the Tender Fruit Producers' Marketing Board.
机译:安大略省为争取可靠的劳动力而进行的斗争仍在进行中,诺福克农业联合会最近的一次会议正着手解决这一挑战。该主题是联合会年会的主要焦点。来自农业部门的五名专家组成的小组正在讨论这一方面的最新发展。演讲者包括外国农业资源管理服务(FARMS)总裁Gary Cooper;以及泰德·雷特洛夫斯基(Ted Raytrowsky),代表安大略省烤烟种植者市场委员会;加拿大就业委员会农业计划和服务经理Henry Neufeld;加拿大园艺理事会的赫克托·德朗格;投标水果生产者市场委员会的Ken Porteous。



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