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Market sentiment grows in OCTG and linepipe


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ERW OCTG prices are gaining slight momentum through June on stalwart demand and improving market sentiment. Pricing is up about $10/tonne this month to around $1,460/tonne for API 5CT J/K55 casing. Price increases for OCTG remain modest, however, as ample supplies continue to satisfy demand. Output in the USA is running higher than last year as new facilities pick up pace in their output, and thus outpace any closures or idling of older existing capacity. We believe those plants were not running at high utilization rates before their shuttering. In the case of the recent idling of US Steel's McKeesport and Belleville plants, those plants produced a variety of products and thus do not affect the OCTG totals as strongly as some of the other closures.
机译:由于需求旺盛和市场情绪改善,到6月份ERW OCTG价格正在小幅上涨。 API 5CT J / K55套管的价格本月上涨了约10美元/吨,至约1,460美元/吨。然而,由于充足的供应继续满足需求,OCTG的价格上涨仍然不大。由于新工厂的产量增加,美国的产量比去年高,因此超过了任何关闭或空转的现有产能的速度。我们认为,这些工厂在关闭之前并未达到高利用率。就最近美国钢铁公司的McKeesport和Belleville工厂空转而言,这些工厂生产各种产品,因此不会像其他一些关闭那样严重影响OCTG总量。



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