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Federal judge orders halt to mountaintop-removal coal mining permits


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Judge Haden said past permits were issued "in express disregard of the corp's own regulations and the Clean Water Act." A federal judge in West Virginia ordered the US Army Corp of Engineers to stop issuing permits allowing mountaintop removal coal mining. Judge Charles Haden's order could have a devastating effect on the state's coal mining industry and the thousands of people employed by it, mining industry leaders said. 'This is extremely disruptive to the thousands and thousands of miners we have employed here in West Virginia and to their families and to their communities," said Chris Hamilton, senior vice president of the West Virginia Coal Association. Haden, in May, said the Corp of Engineers during 2000 issued permits that allowed mining companies to fill 140 km (87 miles) of streambeds with mine tailings. "Past permit approvals were issued in express disregard of the corp's own regulations and the Clean Water Act," Haden said. "As such, they were illegal." Haden also ruled that the corp's recent attempts to reform its dumping regulations were also illegal. He said the corp's actions were an "attempt to legalize their longstanding illegal regulatory practice. The rule change was designed simply for the benefit of the mining industry and its employees," Haden said.
机译:哈登法官说,过去的许可是“无视该公司自身的规定和《清洁水法》而发出的”。西维吉尼亚州的一位联邦法官下令美国陆军工程兵团停止发放允许在山顶开采煤炭的许可证。采矿业领导人说,法官查尔斯·哈登(Charles Haden)的命令可能对该州的煤炭开采业及其雇用的数千人产生破坏性影响。西弗吉尼亚州煤炭协会高级副会长克里斯·汉密尔顿说:“这对我们在西弗吉尼亚州雇用的成千上万名矿工及其家庭和社区造成了极大的破坏。”工程师公司在2000年发布了允许采矿公司在矿井尾矿填充140公里(87英里)的河床中使用的许可证。哈登还裁定该公司最近改革其倾销条例的企图也是非法的。他说,该公司的行为是“试图使其长期存在的非法监管行为合法化。”规则的变更仅仅是为了采矿业及其雇员的利益而设计的,”哈登说。



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