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Land degradation and reclamation: concepts and approaches


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The environmental issues attract greater and world-wide concern today. National and international efforts are in place to check environmental deterioration and to speed up environmental conservation. Environmental deterioration manifests itself through negative changes in land, air, water, flora and fauna. Because of a strong bearing on the biological/agricultural production, land degradation arouses deeper concern. Agriculture being the hard core of India's economy, land degradation is consideredthe most serious problem forcing government agencies to plan and implement land recovery measures. In the widest context, land not in its original undisturbed state is referred as degraded or damaged land. In the utilitarian context, land degradation means loss of biological/agricultural productivity or erosion in the land's capacity to support desirable vegetation (like crops, forests, pastures) and to maintain the yield level over the years of use. Land degradation ows its genesis to a rather complexinterplay of biophysical and socio-economic factors. Because of diverse agroecology of India, the nature and type of land degradation too vary. Land degradation often shows a close link with agroclimate, land type and stress factors causing degradation (Fig. 1). Man induced environmental stresses change the pattern of nutrient cycling, primary productivity and biodiversity. Land degradation may also result from population growth, industrial development, deforestation, mining and quarrying, environmentalpollution, changes in agriculture and forestry practices, overgrazing, over-exploitation and soil erosion and salinization.



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