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BioFeature: new crop development technology


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The development of crops with value-added, specialty traits has long been a goal of the biotechnology industry, which might now have a serious challenger with technology offered by Brimrose Corp. of America. The company has brought to market a machine named 'Seed Meister,' which uses Acoustic Optic Tunable Filter Near Infrared (AOTF-NIR) technology and chemometrics to sort up to 45 individual seeds per minute according to their oil, protein, starch, sugar, moisture and oleic acid content--all qualities of prime nutritional interest. So far, it has been shown to work on major crops such as maize, soybeans, peanuts and coffee. The availability of this information on a seed-by-seed basis allows plant breeders to sort early generation seeds for maximumpredetermined quality, such as high oil. With this nondestructive selection process, only those seeds with desired qualities are chosen for future growing trials.
机译:具有高附加值,特殊性状的农作物的开发长期以来一直是生物技术产业的目标,而美国Brimrose Corp.提供的技术现在可能对生物技术产业构成严重挑战。该公司已经向市场推出了一种名为“ Seed Meister”的机器,该机器使用声光可调滤光片近红外(AOTF-NIR)技术和化学计量学,根据其油,蛋白质,淀粉,糖,水分和油酸含量-所有具有营养价值的品质。到目前为止,已证明它可用于玉米,大豆,花生和咖啡等主要农作物。这些信息可以逐个种子地获得,从而使植物育种人员可以以高预定质量(例如高油)对早期种子进行分选。通过这种非破坏性选择过程,只有那些具有所需品质的种子才被选择用于未来的生长试验。



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