首页> 外文期刊>Separation and Purification Technology >Dissolved organic matter and arsenic removal with coupled chitosan/UF operation

Dissolved organic matter and arsenic removal with coupled chitosan/UF operation

机译:壳聚糖/ UF联合操作可溶解有机物并去除砷

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Long time uptake arsenic will cause cancers and blackfoot disease. There are still several million people suffering from drinking arsenic contaminated water. This work studied the performance of coupled chitosan/UF for arsenic removal and the influence of dissolved organic matter on arsenic removal with UF operation. Humic acid representing dissolved organic matter was fractionated into five groups of molecular sizes by gel filtration chromatography. Arsenic rejection by UF under the experimental condition is only 10%. In the presence of humic compounds, the arsenic removal of 22% is obtained. DOM with apparent molecular weight > 35,000 Da is the principle component responsible for chelating arsenic and thereafter being rejected by UF membrane. The combined interactions of humic compounds, chitosan, and arsenic enable a 65% arsenic rejection by UF. The results presented here enable our understanding of the complicated mechanisms involved in chitosan/UF/DOM/arsenic system.
机译:长期摄入砷会导致癌症和黑脚病。仍有数百万人遭受砷污染的饮用水。这项工作研究了壳聚糖/ UF偶联物的除砷性能,以及溶解有机物对超滤操作除砷的影响。通过凝胶过滤色谱将代表溶解的有机物的腐殖酸分成五组分子大小。在实验条件下超滤除砷的能力仅为10%。在腐殖质化合物的存在下,砷去除率为22%。表观分子量> 35,000 Da的DOM是导致砷螯合并随后被UF膜排斥的主要成分。腐殖质化合物,壳聚糖和砷的相互作用共同作用,使超滤能够去除65%的砷。此处给出的结果使我们能够理解壳聚糖/ UF / DOM /砷系统涉及的复杂机制。



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