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Development in Soil Survey: Soil Survey Investigations Laboratories1 Support of Taxonomic Concepts


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The division of Soil Survey Investigations (SSI) was created in 1952 with the reorganization of the USDA. Memorandum 1318 of the Secretary of Agriculture (October 14, 1952) transferred many Bureau of Soils research activities from the former Bureau tothe Agriculture Research Service. SSI, merging the former Bureau of Soils and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), retained those research activities supporting soil classification, mapping, and study of soil behavior and change. Dr. Guy D. Smith becameits first Division Director. Those efforts of the Division of Chemistry and Soils that had dealt with soil characterization and mineralogy became the Soil Survey Laboratories under Dr. L.T. Alexander (Fig. 1). The remaining field department, the Soil Geomorphology Projects, came under Dr. R.V. Ruhe. Dr. Smith closely coordinated the two parts.
机译:随着美国农业部的重组,土壤调查研究部(SSI)于1952年成立。农业部长备忘录1318(1952年10月14日)将许多土壤局的研究活动从原局移交给了农业研究局。 SSI合并了前土壤局和土壤保护局(SCS),保留了那些支持土壤分类,制图以及研究土壤行为和变化的研究活动。 Guy D. Smith博士成为其第一任部门总监。化学和土壤学部处理土壤特性和矿物学的工作成为L.T.博士领导的土壤调查实验室。亚历山大(图1)。其余的野外部门是土壤地貌学项目,由R.V.博士领导。呵呵史密斯博士密切协调这两个部分。



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