首页> 外文期刊>Stratigraphy >Early Eocene to early Miocene radiolarian biostratigraphy for the low-latitude Pacific Ocean

Early Eocene to early Miocene radiolarian biostratigraphy for the low-latitude Pacific Ocean


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A total of 226 early Eocene to early Miocene radiolarian datum events are identified and correlated with the geochronologic time scale at Sites U1331, U1332, and U1333 in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Seven new radiolarian subzones are proposed for the low-latitude Oligocene: Eucyrtidium diaphanes Interval Subzone (RP22b); Calocycletta (Calocycletta) robusta Interval Subzone (RP22a); Lychnocanoma apodora Interval Subzone (RP21b); Theocyrtis annosa Interval Subzone (RP21a); Eucyrtidium plesiodiaphanes Interval Subzone (RP20c); Dorcadospyris pseudopapilio Interval Subzone (RP20b); Lithocyclia angusta Interval Subzone (RP20a). These subzones significantly improve the biostratigraphic resolution within the Oligocene (an average of one subzone per 1.6 million years [my]). Our study corroborates previous studies, which inferred that primary Oligocene datums were synchronous in the low-latitude Pacific. Four Eocene zones, Cryptocarpium ornatum (RP19), Calocyclas bandyca (RP18), Phormocyrtis striata striata (RP9), and Buryella clinata (RP8) are emended. Two new species/subspecies, Lychnocanoma klausi and Theocorys anaclasta clasta, are described.
机译:在赤道太平洋的U1331,U1332和U1333站点,总共发现了226个始于始新世至中新世的放射虫基准事件,并与年代学时间尺度相关。针对低纬度渐新世提出了七个新的放射虫亚区:透辉石间隔区亚区(RP22b); Calocycletta(Calocycletta)健壮的间隔子区域(RP22a);嗅毛腺癌间隔子区(RP21b);圆环虫(Theocyrtis annosa)间隔子区域(RP21a);蛇麻藻真核生物间隔区(RP20c); Dorcadospyris pseudopapilio间隔分区(RP20b);安息石怪间隔区(RP20a)。这些分区显着提高了渐新世内部的生物地层分辨率(每160万年平均一个分区)[my]。我们的研究证实了以前的研究,这些研究推断原始渐新世基准在低纬度太平洋是同步的。提出了四个始新世带,即Cryptocarpium ornatum(RP19),Colocyclas bandyca(RP18),Phormocyrtis striata striata(RP9)和Buryella clinata(RP8)。描述了两个新的物种/亚种:克氏淋巴瘤和Theocorys anaclasta clasta。



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