
'Explicitly implicit': examining the importance of physician nonverbal involvement during error disclosures


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Physicians' detached and uninvolved nonverbal behaviours led to significantly higher patient ratings of patient distress and avoidance. These associations were not affected by patient predispositions such as sex, ethnicity, religion or prior experiences with medical errors. Also, most of the associations revealed large effects. These findings imply that nonverbal communication has a significant impact on error disclosure outcomes above and beyond what physicians say during this difficult encounter. Based on the results of this investigation, physicians are advised to combine effective verbal disclosure messages with nonverbal displays of immediacy (e.g., appropriate touching and physical distancing, direct body orientation, prolonged gazes), expressiveness (i.e., appropriate physical and vocal animation), altercentrism (e.g., displays of attentiveness and interest in the patient, affirming head nods), and positive affect (e.g., appropriate smiling, vocal and facial pleasantness), and to engage in skilled nonverbal interaction management (e.g., allowing the patient to speak without interruptions) in order to facilitate positive error disclosure outcomes.



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