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Raclopride reduces sucrose preference in rats.


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Dopaminergic D1 and D2 antagonists decrease the intake of sweet solutions during sham feeding. Because the decreased intake of 10% sucrose produced by the D1 and D2 antagonists has been demonstrated to occur in the absence of significant deficits in the initiation of ingestion, or of its motor performance, we investigated the hypothesis that raclopride decreases intake by lowering the reinforcing potency of the orosensory stimulation provided by sucrose during sham feeding. Rats were adapted to ingest two differently flavored 10% sucrose solutions for 5 min in one-bottle tests. The flavored solution that rats preferred was paired with pretreatment with a dose of raclopride (400 micrograms/kg, IP, 15 min) that produced a mean decrease of intake of 55%. The other flavored 10% sucrose solution was paired with vehicle (0.15 M NaCl) injections. After three or six pairings with raclopride or vehicle injection, two two-bottle preference tests were given without raclopride pretreatment. Preference for the flavored 10% sucrose solution previously paired with raclopride decreased significantly in both tests. We interpret this decreased preference as evidence that raclopride decreased the reinforcing potency of flavored 10% sucrose during one-bottle tests. This is consistent with our hypothesis and with the more general hypothesis of Wise that central dopaminergic mechanisms mediate the reinforcing effect of food.
机译:多巴胺能D1和D2拮抗剂可减少假饲喂甜溶液的摄入量。因为已经证明D1和D2拮抗剂产生的10%蔗糖摄入减少是在开始摄入或其运动功能没有明显缺陷的情况下发生的,所以我们研究了raclopride通过降低增强作用来减少摄入的假设。假饲喂期间蔗糖提供的口感刺激的效力。在一瓶试验中,使大鼠摄取两种不同口味的10%蔗糖溶液,持续5分钟。将大鼠偏爱的调味溶液与雷氯必利(400微克/千克,腹膜内注射,15分钟)的剂量进行预处理配对,可使摄入量平均减少55%。将另一种调味的10%蔗糖溶液与媒介物(0.15 M NaCl)注射液配对。经过三到六次与雷克必利或媒介物注射的配对后,进行了两个两瓶偏好试验,且未进行雷氯必德预处理。在两个测试中,先前与雷氯必利配对的风味10%蔗糖溶液的偏好均显着降低。我们将这种降低的偏好解释为证据,即雷氯必利在单瓶测试中降低了风味10%蔗糖的增强效力。这符合我们的假设,也符合Wise的更普遍的假设,即中央多巴胺能机制介导食物的增强作用。



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