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注记的相关文献在1982年到2023年内共计428篇,主要集中在数学、测绘学、自动化技术、计算机技术 等领域,其中期刊论文310篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献33045篇;相关期刊221种,包括安康学院学报、数学理论与应用、测绘工程等; 相关会议4种,包括第一届广东海事高级论坛、中国地理信息系统协会第八届年会、中国地理信息系统协会中国海外地理信息系统协会'98学术年会等;注记的相关文献由739位作者贡献,包括吴中恒、刘鼎文、张耀宗等。



论文:310 占比:0.93%


论文:4 占比:0.01%


论文:33045 占比:99.06%





  • 吴中恒
  • 刘鼎文
  • 张耀宗
  • 李佳宪
  • 李霖
  • 林百洋
  • 刘忠志
  • 曹晓航
  • 朱海红
  • 李亚平
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 杨超; 聂晨辉; 金昱
    • 摘要: 针对注记点数据转换成注记的实际需要,本文提出了一种综合利用多软件实现该需求的可行技术路线,首先在ArcMap中生成初始注记数据,然后在FME中基于Python对注记的位置、角度等进行批量修改,接着利用VB语句对注记的样式进行批量修改,最后得到符合设计要求的注记层。本研究通过实例验证,方法鲁棒性好,可以用于1:2000基础地理信息资源更新,也可以用于其他任何点、线、面的注记转换。
    • 刘畅
    • 摘要: 利用ArcGIS Engine结合.Net的二次开发技术,研发了宗地图自动化制作的软件,该软件通过输入的宗地、房屋、街路等数据,能够快速提取地块要素、创建注记、截取附属要素,生成.MXD宗地图文件,并将成果数据输出至数据库中,实现了宗地图快速自动化的生成,极大地提高了不动产宗地图制作的效率.
    • 胡启华
    • 摘要: 地理试题信息的精准获取与合理解读是高考考生取胜的前提.文章基于"图例与注记"的角度认识和分析高考地理试题,介绍了图例与注记解读的一般方法,并以高考试题为例,讨论了如何从点状、线状和面状图例与注记中提取及解读地理信息的具体方法,旨在为一线地理教师开展高中地理教学和高考地理复习工作提供新视角.
    • 王海涛; 赵翀; 秦进春
    • 摘要: 首先分析了地图注记的分类和布置原则;然后利用ArcEngine对象模型,将地图注记按照表达方式分为单式注记和复式注记,分别研究了二者自动配置的设计思想和实现方法;最后利用某市的地下管线普查数据,实现了基于ArcEngine的地图注记自动配置模块,验证了研究方法的可行性.
    • 雷秋良; 朱阿兴; 武淑霞; 张认连; 徐爱国; 张维理; 孙福军
    • 摘要: 土壤注记是土壤图制图表达的重要内容,对于理解土壤的发生、分布具有重要意义.在基于全国第二次土壤普查资料进行大比例尺土壤图分幅制图过程中,若对拥有海量土壤空间信息的多分幅大比例尺土壤图实现注记表达,不可能再依赖于传统的制图方式生成注记.为了实现注记上图的自动化和以交互方式解决多个步骤判断问题,构建了土壤图注记自动配置系统.该系统采用图廓边界注记压盖检测与处理技术,解决了注记压盖图廓边界的问题;采用图层、分级码、要素对象的三级控制方法,实现了注记在图层级别上进行整个图层以及背景层注记的设置,在分级码级别上结合统计结果,实现了注记的条件判别与阈值过滤,在要素级别上实现了特殊要素注记的生成.基于数据库驱动技术并以人机交互的方式进行土壤图注记的自动化配置,实现了批量土壤图分幅注记的快速生成,不仅具有较强的灵活性,可适用于不同比例尺土壤图及其他类型地图的注记表达,而且大大提高了数据生产的效率和自动化处理程度.该研究为今后不同比例尺土壤图制图实现注记的自动化配置提供参考.%[Objective]Soil map annotation is an essential component of soil mapping to have a better understanding of soil genesis and distribution. During the Second National Soil Survey sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People Republic of China in the 1980s, large volumes of soil maps at the county level were plotted in paper using the traditional mapping and annotating method, which is no longer efficient enough for plotting and annotating large-scaled multi-framed soil maps (more than 20 000 standard frames, 1: 50 000 in scale) that contains such huge volumes of soil spatial information. In order to realize automatic and interactive annotation and solution of a series of problems of step judgment in soil mapping, a soil map annotation auto configuration system was built up. [Method] The system was developed on ArcEngine 10.1 platform with C# programming language based on database-driven technology. The system solved the problem of annotation overlapping outer-boundaries of soil patches in the map with the help of the over boundary annotation detection method, and realized annotation of the entire map layer and the background layer on the map layer level, using the three-level control method, i.e. layer, grade code and feature object; condition judgment and threshold screening by combining statistics in grade coding and annotations of special features on the feature level. [Result]In order to evaluate performance of the Soil Map Annotation Auto-configuration System, a standard frame of soil map, F49E010012, of Xinyi, Guangdong, was chosen as an example for adoption of the system, with the 1:50 000 national basic geographic data and the 1:50 000 soil spatial and attribute data of the region as input. The basic geographic information to be annotated in the map includes residential settlements, linear water systems, surface water systems and administrative boundaries, whereas the soil spatial data do soil types and soil profile sites. The spatial data and attribute data were converted into Geodatabase. Analysis of the output volume of annotations shows that a total of 615 annotations were formed out of 2 618 items of feature data, including 2 067 items that already contains annotation names, and that the annotations formed covered only about 30% of all the annotatable feature data. The water systems and soil profile sites rarely annotated were reserved in the annotating process. On the soil map layer, most of the soil codes were reserved as annotation. Residential settlements were too densely clustered to keep the name of each settlement in annotation and only names of the settlements over the township level appeared. In the light of the conditions of the grading code screening module and avoidance analysis module, the volume of annotation was greatly reduced, particularly, the number of residential settlements to avoid overcrowding of the annotations of residential settlements on the map and relief the load of annotation, so as to maintain balance of the map in appearance. Comparison of the two maps shows that the original map had annotations overlapping map boundaries, while the map having processed with the Soil Map Annotation Auto-configuration System did not have such problems. [Conclusion]Based on the database-driven technique and human-computer interaction, the Soil Map Annotation Auto-configuration System is adopted to rapidly annotate an enormous volume of standard frame soil maps. The system is not only highly flexible, and adoptable to soil maps and other maps varying in scale, but also greatly improving the efficiency and automation degree of data production. All the findings in the study may serve as reference for realizing annotation automatic configuration in soil mapping varying in scale in future.
    • 贾富强
    • 摘要: 明代郑若曾编绘的《海防一览图》,为郑氏所绘系列海防图之初稿,可谓研究郑氏系列海防图乃至明代海防的重要文献.目前,此图主要见于已刊“文渊阁”和“文津阁”《四库全书》文献之中.通过比对文渊阁、文津阁本《海防一览图》的注记著录情况,笔者发现二阁本的文字注记均存在一定的疑误之处,而且文津阁本的疑误情况较为严重.其中,文渊阁本讹误47处、脱误20处、衍误1处、倒误3处、混合误1处,共计疑误72处;文津阁本讹误68处、脱误20处、衍误2处、倒误4处、混合误2处,共计96处.
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