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甲状旁腺囊肿的相关文献在1991年到2021年内共计64篇,主要集中在肿瘤学、内科学、外科学 等领域,其中期刊论文62篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献15742篇;相关期刊51种,包括中国实用乡村医生杂志、浙江中西医结合杂志、临床医药实践等; 相关会议2种,包括第二届甲状腺疾病(上海)国际论坛、2008国际骨质疏松与骨矿盐疾病学术会议等;甲状旁腺囊肿的相关文献由143位作者贡献,包括吕昕亮、张坤、张频等。



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论文:15742 占比:99.60%





  • 吕昕亮
  • 张坤
  • 张频
  • 朱锦德
  • 李岩
  • 樊友本
  • 涂柳果
  • 蒋鹏程
  • 邵初晓
  • 郑起
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 周汝环; 张雁冰; 李坤均; 杨明
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨甲状旁腺囊肿辅助检查及临床特点.方法:回顾分析甲状旁腺囊肿1例的临床资料.根据血清磷、钙、甲状旁腺激素的水平及临床症状可分为无功能性和功能性两类.无功能性甲状旁腺囊肿多数位于左下甲状旁腺,首选手术切除.结果:甲状旁腺肿物临床上少见,体格检查和超声检查及CT检查都难以与甲状腺肿物相鉴别,就是术中亦难区分.该例术中甲状旁腺囊肿与甲状腺容易分离,注意不要将甲状腺连同囊肿一起切除.结论:甲状旁腺囊肿病例甚为少见,极易误诊为甲状腺囊肿,而导致甲状腺及囊肿同时切除,造成严重后果.
    • 崔勤皓
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨采取多模式超声诊断无功能性甲状旁腺囊肿(PCs)的价值.方法:选取经病理确诊的15例无功能性PCs作为研究对象,分别采取二维、超声造影、三维容积重建等超声检查,且经皮穿刺囊肿对囊液进行理化分析.结果:二维超声检查甲状旁腺可见圆形或类圆形囊性结节,其中左下10例、右下5例,吞咽时同侧甲状腺呈不同步运动;超声造影囊壁轮廓清晰;三维容积重建平均体积(6.71±1.23)ml,实际抽液量(6.52±1.21)ml,对比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),超声引导下囊肿穿刺抽液测得囊液甲状旁腺激素(PTH)平均值为(122.25±31.15)pg/ml,明显高于正常值上限.结论:采取多模式超声诊断无功能性PCs的价值显著,值得推广.
    • 赵璐璐; 章建全
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the application value of multi-mode ultrasonography in the diagnosis of non-functioning parathyroid cysts .Methods The features of multi-mode ultrasonography of 32 non-functioning parathyroid cysts were summarized .The ultrasonographic manifestations of 2D-US, CDFI, 3D-US, in 11 pathologically confirmed parathyroid cysts were analyzed and compared , and physicochemical analysis of the fluid aspirated in 11 cysts under ultrasonograph was also performed in the process .Results Ultra-sonography manifestations of 32 parathyroid cysts were as follows: all cysts were located in the lower parathyroid area ( bottom left:18 cases, bottom right:14 cases).With swallowing, the cysts were not dissonant in movement with the thyroid at the same side , and pressed probe revealed that the cysts were separated with the thyroid , with clear periphery , smooth cyst wall and strong sound transmis-sion and without internal echo or floating small point-shape echo.Color Doppler detection revealed that there was no obvious blood flow signal in the cyst wall .Ultrasonography revealed that there was no contrast medium in the nodules , but the cyst wall displayed isoecho-ic.The volume calculated by 3D-US of the 11 parathyroid cysts was 2.12-12.89 ml, with an average volume of(6.24 ±2.99)ml.Ac-tual volume was 2-12 ml, with an average volume of(6.18 ±2.89)ml, and there was no statistical significance in the volume calculat-ed by 3D-US and actual volume, when comparisons were made between them (P>0.05).The cyst fluid was colorless, transparent, thin and clear.Detection results of parathyroid hormone (PTH ) (98-205 pg/ml) were all higher than the upper limit of the serum norm, with an average volume of (123.25 ±32.39) pg/ml.Conclusion Full knowledge of ultrasonic manifestations was beneficial to higher rate of ultrasonographic diagnosis .Quantitative analysis of cyst fluid was a sure diagnostic method with good safety and mini inva -sion, which was worth further clinical extension .%目的 探讨多模式超声在无功能性甲状旁腺囊肿诊断中的应用价值.方法 总结甲状旁腺囊肿的超声影像特征,分析比较经病理明确诊断的32例甲状旁腺囊肿的二维、彩色多普勒、超声造影、三维容积重建等超声影像表现,并在超声引导下经皮穿刺抽取11例甲状旁腺囊肿的囊液进行理化分析.结果 32例甲状旁腺囊肿的超声影像表现:二维超声上囊肿均表现为位于下甲状旁腺区突出于甲状腺外的类圆形囊性结节(左下18例,右下14例),吞咽时与同侧甲状腺呈不同步运动,加压探头时可见囊肿与甲状腺分离,囊肿境界清晰,囊壁光滑,囊液透声良好,其内无点状强回声或漂浮的细密点状回声;彩色多普勒超声上显示囊肿囊壁上未见明确的血流信号;超声造影显示结节内无造影剂充填,但囊肿囊壁呈细线状等增强;11例甲状旁腺囊肿经三维容积重建算得体积为2.12~12.89 ml,平均(6.24±2.99)ml,实际抽取囊液量2~12 ml,平均(6.18±2.89)ml,三维容积重建算得的体积与实际抽取的囊液量比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).实际抽取的囊液均为无色、透明、稀薄、清亮的液体,囊液的甲状旁腺激素(parathyroid hormone,PTH)测定结果均高于血清的正常值上限,测得结果98~205 pg/ml,平均(123.25±32.39)pg/ml.结论 充分掌握甲状旁腺囊肿的超声影像表现,则有利于提高该病超声诊断率.囊液的PTH定量分析是可靠的术前诊断方法,安全微创,值得临床推广.
    • 杨龙飞; 赵玉哲; 曹文庆; 张静
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨无功能性甲状旁腺囊肿(NPC)的诊断及治疗方法.方法 回顾性分析12例NPC患者的临床资料.结果 ①12例患者肿物均位于下极,其中向下延伸至上纵隔2例;伴发结节性甲状腺肿3例,伴发桥本甲状腺炎、微小腺瘤各1例;位于左侧8例,右侧4例;伴有声嘶、轻度吞咽困难、偶有呼吸困难者1例,伴轻度压痛、伴喘憋各1例.②术前血清甲状旁腺激素(PTH)为(5.36±3.10)pmol/L,钙(2.32±0.23)mmol/L,磷(1.08±0.25)mmol/L;超声检查最长直径1.0~8.0 cm;胸片检查肿物压迫气管5例,未见明显异常7例;行颈部CT、MRI检查2例,均提示PC可能;行甲状旁腺双时相显像+脏器断层扫描结合PTH略有升高1例,不除外甲状旁腺腺瘤囊性变.③患者均行手术治疗,肿物呈囊性,包膜完整,边界清楚,与甲状腺等周围组织无明显粘连,易分离,囊腔内均为无色清亮液体;术中冰冻病理示良性病变;无围手术期死亡病例.④术后病理均确诊为甲状旁腺囊肿;患者均获随访,随访时间6~122个月,患者术后声嘶、吞咽困难、呼吸困难及喘憋等临床压迫症状消失,且未见明显甲状旁腺功能减退及低血钙、低血磷发生,亦未见囊肿复发等表现.结论 术前彩超、血清学检查及肿物穿刺液PTH检测对NPC的诊断有重要意义,必要时可结合CT、MRI等,确诊有赖于病理检查;对于临床无症状的NPC,首选保守治疗;而临床症状明显且可耐受手术者,手术切除是最佳治疗方式;不能耐受手术时,考虑简单抽吸或注射消融等硬化疗法.
    • 林涛; 牟国煜
    • 摘要: 目的 了解无功能性甲状旁腺囊肿临床特点,探讨其诊治方法.方法 对2001-2010年大连市金州区第一人民医院收治的12例无功能性甲状腺旁腺囊肿病人的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 所有病人术前未明确诊断,术后经病理证实为无功能性甲状旁腺囊肿,手术切除后治愈,且随访均无复发.结论 术后病理是诊断无功能性甲状旁腺囊肿的最可靠方法,细针穿刺或细胞学检查有助于诊断,手术切除是治疗的有效方法.
    • 谢聪; 宁援援
    • 摘要: Objective:To investigate the etiology,clinical features,diagnosis and treatment of parathyroid cyst. Methods:The disease was analysed by debating one typical case and correlative literatures. Results:The patient was cured through a complete surgical removal of the parathyroid cyst,which was approved by the biopsy result. Conclusion:Surgical removal is the most effective treatment and biopsy plays an important role in diagnosis.%目的:探讨甲状旁腺囊肿的病因、临床特点、诊断和治疗方法。方法:通过1例巨大无功能性甲状旁腺囊肿患者的临床资料,结合相关文献对巨大无功能性甲状旁腺囊肿进行系统的分析。结果:该病例通过手术治疗完整切除,术后通过病理检查及囊液检测明确为甲状旁腺囊肿。结论:手术切除是治疗甲状旁腺囊肿的最佳方案,最终确诊要依靠病理学诊断。
    • 于淑红; 吕学民
    • 摘要: 患者女,62岁,因“双下肢疼痛、乏力3个月,面部浮肿2个月”就诊。曾于当地医院检查发现血钙增高,考虑“高钙危象”,给予药物治疗,血钙降至正常,但症状未见明显缓解。
    • 胡亚; 廖泉; 牛哲禹; 赵建国; 赵玉沛
    • 摘要: 目的 回顾性分析无功能甲状旁腺囊肿的临床病理特点和手术治疗策略.方法 检索1991年1月至2013年1月在北京协和医院接受治疗的无功能甲状旁腺囊肿患者的病例资料,分析其临床诊治特点.结果 22例经术中探查和术后病理证实为无功能甲状旁腺囊肿,其中男5例,女17例,就诊时平均年龄47.4(21 ~67)岁.所有患者均通过术前颈部超声检查发现颈部囊性肿物,其中10例同时伴有甲状腺多发占位.所有患者术前和术后的血清钙及血清磷水平均正常.11例行甲状旁腺囊肿单纯切除术,4例因术中判断肿物与囊肿关系密切而行甲状腺大部切除术.6例因甲状腺肿物同时行甲状腺肿物切除术或甲状腺大部切除术,术后甲状腺病理报告均为结节性甲状腺肿.1例因同时伴有甲状腺乳头状癌,而行根治性切除手术.所有患者均未出现手术相关并发症,术后随访7个月以上无囊肿复发迹象.结论 甲状旁腺囊肿应作为一种颈部肿物的鉴别诊断之一,手术切除是一种有效安全的治疗方法.%Objective To investigate the strategy of diagnosis and treatment for non-functional parathyroid cysts.Methods The clinical data of non-functional parathyroid cysts patients undergoing resection between Jan.1991 and Jan.2013 in Peking Union Medical College Hospital were retrospectively analyzed.Results Non-functional parathyroid cysts were confirmed by intra-operation exploration and post-operation pathology in 22 patients.Ultrasound scan revealed cervical cystic lesions in all patients before operations,and concomitant lesions in thyroid were found in 10 patients.The serum calcium and phosphate level were in normal range in all patients.Local excisions were performed in 11 cases for isolated cyst.Subtotal thyroidectomy were performed in 10 cases for concomitant nodular goiter or close anatomy association cyst and thyroid.Radical resection of thyroid and cervical lymph node dissection were performed in one patient for concomitant thyroid carcinoma.No operation related complications was recorded in these series.No relapse presented in these patients after more than 7 months of follow-up.Conclusion Non-functional parathyroid cysts should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cervical mass even though it rarely occurs.Surgical resection was one promising treatment for non-functional parathyroid cysts.
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