
Modern Production Technology of Traditional Fermented Rice Cake


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Fermented rice cake is a traditional Chinese food which has a long processing history and a deep cultural priming.Fermented rice cake is made from rice undergoing a set of processes,including soaking,milling,fermentation,and steaming.The food shows a honeycomb structure.The colour is crystal white.It tastes soft,sour and sweet,have unique fermentation flavor,and is easy to be digested and absorbed by human body.Oligosaccharides,small peptides and some other functional substances which obtained by fermentation could lower blood pressure,decrease the content of cholesterol and toxic substances in serum,and improve the digestive system.%米发糕是我国传统的大米发酵食品,具有悠久的加工历史和深厚的文化蕴涵.米发糕是大米经过浸泡、磨浆、发酵、蒸制而成,呈蜂窝状的组织结构,色泽晶莹洁白,口感柔软细腻,酸甜适度,特殊独特,易于被人体消化吸收.经发酵产生的寡糖、小分子肽等生物活性物质,可降低血压和血清胆固醇及有毒产物含量,改善人体消化系统.传统米发糕采用手工作坊和老浆发酵方法生产,微生物体系复杂,生产周期长,产品质量不稳定,淀粉易老化,贮藏稳定性差,多以鲜食为主.随着社会的发展,生活水平的提高,营养健康、方便安全的食品已成为现代生活的标志.采用现代科学技术,将传统工艺进行工业化革新,以满足现代社会发展和生活习惯、饮食理念,弄清米发糕的品质特征及加工机理,有利于传统米发糕的技术与文化传承.
机译:Fermented rice cake is a traditional Chinese food which has a long processing history and a deep cultural priming.Fermented rice cake is made from rice undergoing a set of processes,including soaking,milling,fermentation,and steaming.The food shows a honeycomb structure.The colour is crystal white.It tastes soft,sour and sweet,have unique fermentation flavor,and is easy to be digested and absorbed by human body.Oligosaccharides,small peptides and some other functional substances which obtained by fermentation could lower blood pressure,decrease the content of cholesterol and toxic substances in serum,and improve the digestive system.%米发糕是我国传统的大米发酵食品,具有悠久的加工历史和深厚的文化蕴涵.米发糕是大米经过浸泡、磨浆、发酵、蒸制而成,呈蜂窝状的组织结构,色泽晶莹洁白,口感柔软细腻,酸甜适度,特殊独特,易于被人体消化吸收.经发酵产生的寡糖、小分子肽等生物活性物质,可降低血压和血清胆固醇及有毒产物含量,改善人体消化系统.传统米发糕采用手工作坊和老浆发酵方法生产,微生物体系复杂,生产周期长,产品质量不稳定,淀粉易老化,贮藏稳定性差,多以鲜食为主.随着社会的发展,生活水平的提高,营养健康、方便安全的食品已成为现代生活的标志.采用现代科学技术,将传统工艺进行工业化革新,以满足现代社会发展和生活习惯、饮食理念,弄清米发糕的品质特征及加工机理,有利于传统米发糕的技术与文化传承.



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