
The Advance of Rapid Immunological Detection Technology in Food Security


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民以食为天,食以安为先,安以质为本,质以诚为根.食品安全关系人民群众健康和生命安全,关系经济发展和社会和谐.当前,我国食品安全事件屡有发生,严重打击了消费者的消费信心.对于这些事件的发生,除了商家诚实经营外,归根结底还在于缺乏用于监控食品安全的快速检测技术.目前,食品中药残及小分子污染物有色谱及衍生法,质谱及衍生法,色质连用法,光谱法等理化方法;也有电极法,杯碟法,琼脂扩散法,棉签法,发光细菌法,戴尔沃法等.理化法灵敏,准确度高,但检测耗时,仪器昂贵,需要专业人员进行操作且不能进行现场操作.生物学检测方法简单、费用低,但灵敏度低,易出现假阳性.这些不足,阻碍理化及微生物检测技术在食品生产及相关企业中推广普及应用.%What human beings enjoy first is the food,and which security is the primary guarantee of people's health.Food security depends on whether it meets the requirements of its quality.Good quality of food products comes from the sincerity of manufacturers.Food security concerns peoples'health and safety,and is crucial to economic development and social harmony of nation.In current time,the incidents about food security happen frequently,which crack consumers' confidence seriously.For these events,in addition to business integrity,lacking rapid detection technology for monitoring food security should be the most primary responsible.
机译:民以食为天,食以安为先,安以质为本,质以诚为根.食品安全关系人民群众健康和生命安全,关系经济发展和社会和谐.当前,我国食品安全事件屡有发生,严重打击了消费者的消费信心.对于这些事件的发生,除了商家诚实经营外,归根结底还在于缺乏用于监控食品安全的快速检测技术.目前,食品中药残及小分子污染物有色谱及衍生法,质谱及衍生法,色质连用法,光谱法等理化方法;也有电极法,杯碟法,琼脂扩散法,棉签法,发光细菌法,戴尔沃法等.理化法灵敏,准确度高,但检测耗时,仪器昂贵,需要专业人员进行操作且不能进行现场操作.生物学检测方法简单、费用低,但灵敏度低,易出现假阳性.这些不足,阻碍理化及微生物检测技术在食品生产及相关企业中推广普及应用.%What human beings enjoy first is the food,and which security is the primary guarantee of people's health.Food security depends on whether it meets the requirements of its quality.Good quality of food products comes from the sincerity of manufacturers.Food security concerns peoples'health and safety,and is crucial to economic development and social harmony of nation.In current time,the incidents about food security happen frequently,which crack consumers' confidence seriously.For these events,in addition to business integrity,lacking rapid detection technology for monitoring food security should be the most primary responsible.



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