
Complete blood counts pet bird diseases




Arguably the complete blood count is the most important diagnostic test in veterinary medicine. Of course if there is a specific disease for which one is testing for, then that is an important test for that particular case. For overall information, when specifics are not available, the CBC is unparalleled in the data that it can provide to the clinical veterinarian. Understanding the parameters from which one can assess the condition of the patient is imperative to practice quality veterinary medicine. In avian medicine a CBC is required on the majority of the cases to obtain a general idea about a patient's health status. Permission needs to be granted by the owner to run any diagnostic tests and it is easier for an owner to grant permission whenthey have full knowledge about the test and why it is needed. Before one can interpret the findings, blood must be collected and either submitted to an avian/exotic animal diagnostic laboratory or in-house testing.



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