首页> 中文学位 >参与式教学法的应用:对宁夏农村小学英语课堂的调查与分析








Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1Background of this research about the PT approach

1.1.1 A brief description of the training program in Ningxia

1.1.2 Reason of choosing this research

1.2 Significance of the research

1.3 Organization of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Concepts and terms concerned in the research

2.1.1 Definition to student participation

2.1.2 Definition of Participatory Teaching approach

2.1.3 Comparison between participatory teaching and traditional teaching model

2.2 Theoritical basis of the PT approach:Developmental teaching theory

2.2.1 Definition of development and developmental teaching

2.2.2 Effectiveness of the developmental teaching approach

2.3 A historical overview of the PT approach

2.3.1 Piaget's cognition theory to PT approach

2.3.2 John Dewey's child-centered education idea

2.3.3 Vygotsky's social development theory related to PT

2.4 Theories related to the participatory teaching approach

2.4.1 The PT approach and constructivism view of learning

2.4.2 Behavourism related to the PT approach

Chapter 3 Methodology

3.1 Objective

3.2 Participants

3.3 Instruments

3.3.1 Questionnaire

3.3.2 Video records and classroom observation

3.3.3 Interviews

3.3.4 English tests to the students involved

3.4 Data-collection procedures

3.4.1 Training period

3.4.2 Survey period

3.4.3 Analysis period

3.5 Approaches of analyzing data

Chapter 4 Results and discussion

4.1 Teachers' perspectives on the PT approach

4.1.1 Teaching model of English teaching in class

4.1.2 Their perspectives and useful information in teaching

4.1.3 The difficulties they meet in teaching

4.1.4 In-service education that they currently need most

4.2 The changes brought by the PT approach

4.2.1 The changes to the English teachers

4.2.2 The changes brought to the students

4.2.3 The changes brought to the English classroom

4.3 The problems existing in the practice of the PT approach

4.3.1 Activity design is the biggest problem in PT procedure

4.3.2 Necessity of full-understanding to the theory of the PT approach

4.3.3 Different opinions from different teaching approach

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions

5.1 Conclusions

5.1.1 Acceptance and application to the PT approach

5.1.2 More improvement, less problems existing

5.1.3 Main factors influence the PT's further development

5.2 Suggestions

5.2.1 Suggestions for English teachers in primary schools

5.2.2 Suggestions for the school authorities and the education administrators

5.3 Limitations of the research



Papers Published in 2006



2005年9月,美国福特基金会资助的“宁夏农村小学英语教师速成培训”项目在宁夏回族自治区高师培训中心启动,237位来自宁夏不同地区的农村小学英语教师接受了参与式教学法的培训。作者作为培训者之一参与了对部分小学教师进行参与式教学法的培训工作,针对与此,作者做出了这项研究。 参与式教学强调“以学习者为中心、以活动为主要形式、教师学生共同参与”,其目的是在活动中充分发挥学生的主体性、能动性和创造性。与此同时,正在我国开展的基础教育课程改革也强调要转变学生的学习方式,倡导自主学习、合作学习、探究学习等新的学习方式,学生的主体地位及主动性应该得到最大的关注。 论文回顾了近几年来中国小学英语教学的发展历程,综述国内外关于儿童发展及儿童认知心理研究的理论与实践,并结合行为主义及建构主义的知识构架,以宁夏地区49位农村小学教师为调查对象,采用访谈、问卷和课堂观摩等多种方法,对宁夏地区农村小学英语教师教学观念和对英语教学的认识以及运用参与式教学法的教学现状进行分析,并利用计算机SPSS等数据分析方法分析学生考试成绩,结合传统教学的方法以说明参与式教学法带来的变化。 本研究的目的在于通过宁夏部分地区农村小学英语教师对参与式教学理念的理解和运用,了解参与式教学在小学英语教学中的实际效果,找出英语教师在进行参与式教学中遇到的困难,并且为参与式教学的进一步开展提供参考。其研究问题有三个: (1)参与式教学是否在小学英语教学过程中能够起到重要的作用? (2)作为参与式教学法的参与者之一,接受参与式教学的学生是否比其他学生要优秀? (3)参与式教学课堂给教师的观念带来的影响较以前是否有所不同?这些不同表现在哪些方面? 通过研究作者得出了如下结论: (1)经过培训的小学英语教师基本理解并接受了参与式教学理念,并能够尝试在课堂教学中加以运用; (2)教师和学生在参与式教学过程中发生了可喜的变化,但教师对参与式教学的理解和运用还存在一定的问题,其中,教师的整体素质、教育评价机制、教学客观条件的限制是影响参与式教学深入发展的三个重要因素; (3)由于对平等参与的教学理念理解不到位,许多英语教师被参与式教学的形式所困,课堂教学效果不够理想。 针对参与式教学存在的问题作者提出了几点建议: (1)小学英语教师应加强职业道德修养,提升自身的职业素养; (2)教师应加强在职学习,增强英语教学和科研意识,以“研”促“教”,积极开展教学行动研究,反思自己的教学; (3)学校应采取有效措施,组织英语教师积极开展相互学习,进一步增强对参与式教学的认识和实践能力,从而提高课堂教学质量; (4)教育主管部门应改变以“分数为唯一依据”评价学校和教师的做法,并且应该加大教育资金的投入力度,以保障农村小学所需的教育经费。 经过此次调研,作者对参与式教学在农村小学英语教学中的理解与运用有了初步的了解,但是仍然有一些问题存在,有待于进一步的研究。



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