首页> 中文期刊> 《中国社会医学杂志》 >240例孕妇孕期健康教育及健康促进方式需求分析




Objectives To understand the demand on health knowledge and Mission Mode of pregnant women. To explore the rational and effective health promotion service delivery model in pregnancy. Methods By random sampling method, 240 pregnant women were taken out, who had accepted regular check in Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center. They completed the questionnaires by face-to-face. The questionnaire was self-designed, including general information of pregnant women, knowledge of prenatal care, demand of health knowledge and way to obtain knowledge of health education during pregnancy. Results The average age of the 240 pregnant women was 27. 31 ± 4.57 years old, from 22 to 36. 213 cases (88.7%) was primipara. The demands of health knowledge included Lamaze Breathing Techniques (94.6%), nutrition during pregnancy and postpartum (90. 0 %), preparation for childbirth (81.7%), self-care during pregnancy (74.6%), neonatal care (68.3%) etc. The pregnant women, being higher education and more income occupation, had higher demand for health care knowledge (P< 0. 05). The pregnant women were more willing to participate in the topics taught in small classes (40. 0% ) and skill operation training (35.0%) than other forms of health education. Conclusions There are different demands on health knowledge and Mission Mode of different levels pregnant women. We should take the rational and effective health promotion service delivery model in pregnancy to meet the different demands.%目的 了解孕妇对健康知识的需求内容和宣教方式,探索合理有效的孕期健康促进服务模式.方法 随机抽取在我院定期产检的240例孕妇作为调查对象,采用自设问卷,对孕妇进行一对一的问卷调查,包括孕妇一般情况、孕期保健知识知晓情况、孕期健康知识需求情况、获取孕期健康教育知识途径等.结果 240例孕妇年龄分布22~36岁,平均(27.31±4.57)岁,初产妇213例,占88.7%;对保健知识需求主要包括拉马泽呼吸减痛分娩法(94.6%)、孕期及产后营养(90.0%)、分娩准备(81.7%)、孕期自我监护(74.6%)、新生儿护理(68.3%)等;不同职业、学历的孕妇对孕期保健知识的需求存在差别,高学历和高收入职业孕妇对孕期保健知识的需求率较高(P<0.05);孕妇最愿参与的健康教育形式主要为小班专题授课与技能操作训练,分别占40.0%与35.0%.结论 不同层次孕妇对孕期保健知识的需求及服务模式存在差异,应根据不同需求采取合理的孕期健康促进服务方式.



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