首页> 中文期刊>安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版) >卷料自动上料控制系统的应用研究




上料是开卷设备的重要组成部分,传统开卷设备采用人工上料。为解决人工上料操作麻烦、上料时间长和上料精度低等缺点,研制了一种基于三菱PLC控制的自动上料系统。该系统通过卷料的上升定位和平移定位,应用光电传感器进行位置检测,用编码器移位检测和PLC控制来实现快速、准确上料。通过光电开关与编码器的简单组合实现了开卷上料自动操作的设计理念与设计技巧,对于类似自动控制应用具有很好的参考价值。%Feeding is an important part of uncoiling device .Traditional uncoiling device commonly used artificial feeding which has many disadvantages like operational problem which has to take a long time to feed and low precision in feeding .To solve these problems, an automatic feeding system based on Mitsubishi PLC control is developed.This paper mainly discussed the coil positioning of horizontal movement and vertical movement.On the ground that the photoelectric sensors, encoders shift detection and PLC control, the system could finish accurate feeding fast.This paper presents a feeding method which is a simple combination of a photoelectric switch and encoder to achieve automatic operation .The concept and skills of this design has a good reference val-ue to the similar control.



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