首页> 中文期刊>安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版) >安庆市地表水污染特征分析及防治对策




Based on the monitoring data during the" 11th 5-year Plan" period,the quality status of major surface water basins in Anqing is analyzed by using the average water quality classification method and Spearman rank correlation coefficient method.The results indicate that the quality status of Anqing section of the Yangtze River is excellent,the quality status of Pogang Lake Basin is good,the quality status of Huayang River Basin,Wan River Basin,CaiZi Lake Basin and BaiDang Lake Basin have light pollution or moderate pollution,the condition is not promising.The main pollutants are TP,TN and CODCr.It shows organic pollution characteristics.Pollutants mainly come from domestic sewage,industrial waste water and area pollution sources.Meanwhile,combined with the geographical features of Anqing,countermeasures to improve the water quality of surface water are proposed.%根据"十一五"期间监测数据,采用平均水质类别法及Spearman秩相关系数法对安庆市主要地表水流域水质状况进行了分析。结果表明,"十一五"期间长江安庆段水质为优,破罡湖流域水质良好,华阳河流域、皖河流域、菜子湖流域及白荡湖流域水质不容乐观,为轻度污染或中度污染。境内水域主要污染物为总磷、总氮及化学需氧量,表现为有机污染的特征,污染物主要来源于生活污水、工业废水及面污染源。结合安庆市的地域特征,提出了进一步改善地表水水质的防治对策。



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