首页> 中文期刊> 《数学教育学报》 >架起数学史成为提高中学生数学学业成绩的桥梁




"high evaluation, low application" phenomenon appeared in education of mathematical history in middle school, the main reason is the "congenital deficiency" and "acquired lack" of education level in the history of mathematics for the teacher in the middle school, and the poor ways in integrating the history of mathematics with teaching material. To a certain extent, the students are not very interested in learning mathematics, and they have poor mathematics academic performance. In order to change above present situation, it is terry important to strengthen the training in the pre-service and in-service education of mathematical history, if we integrate the history of mathematics with classroom teaching, the history of mathematics will become the bridge of improving students' academic performance.%中学数学史教育出现"高评价、低应用"现象,主要原因是中学教师数学史教育水平"先天不足"、"后天缺乏",以及数学史融入教材方式欠佳等.这在一定程度上造成学生对数学学习兴趣不高,数学学业成绩不理想.要改变以上现状,关键应加强中学教师职前、职后数学史教育培训,采用发生教学法,将数学史融入课堂教学,提高学生的学业成绩.



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