首页> 中文期刊>实用口腔医学杂志 >除气和预氧化对钯银合金金瓷结合强度的影响




Objective:To investigate the effect of degassing and peroxidation on metal-ceramic bonding strength of Pd-Ag alloy. Methods:The metal-ceramic interface of group A (peroxidation)and B (degassing)was investigated under scanning electronic micro-scope(SEM)and energy dispersive spectrum (EDS).The bond strength between metal and ceramics was measured using a three-point bend test according to ISO9693.Results:The formation of nodules on the surface of alloy specimens was observed in both groups by SEM.The nodules on the specimens of group A were more densely than those of group B.The diameter of nodules in group B was 1 .5μm approximately.The interface of the metal-ceramic specimens had a clear transition porcelain layer and no hole or slit was present. The mean bonding strength of group A and B was (45.97 ±3.92)MPa and (49.1 1 ±6.42)MPa respectively(P=0.031 ).Conclu-sion:Degassing can improve metal-ceramic bonding strength of Pd-Ag alloy significantly.%目的:研究上瓷前不同预处理条件对钯银合金金瓷结合强度的影响。方法:用扫描电镜(SEM)和X线衍射(EDS)分析A组(预氧化)、B组(除气)的金属表面以及金瓷结合界面,用ISO9693规定的三点弯曲测试分别测定试件的金瓷结合强度。结果:扫描电镜和X射线衍射:2组金属试件预处理后表面均可见突起的小瘤状结构,A组试件的小瘤较多、密度较大,大部分融合成条状、片状;B组试件的小瘤较少、密度较小,圆形颗粒状,直径约为1.5μm左右。2组试件金瓷结合界面均有清晰的含有较多颗粒状物的过渡瓷层,金瓷结合紧密。A组和B组金瓷结合强度分别为(45.97±3.92)MPa和(49.11±6.42)MPa(P=0.031)。结论:钯银合金除气比预氧化可以获得较高的金瓷结合强度。



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