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C/EBPα: critical at the origin of leukemic transformation

机译:C /EBPα:在白血病转化的起源中至关重要



Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a hematopoietic malignancy characterized by clonal expansion of myeloid progenitor cells. A major mechanistic theme in AML biology is the extensive collaboration among fusion oncoproteins, transcription factors, and chromatin regulators to initiate and sustain a transformed cellular state. A new study in this issue describes how the C/EBPα transcription factor is crucial for the initiation of AML induced by MLL fusion oncoproteins, but is entirely dispensable for the maintenance of established disease. These observations provide a unique glimpse into the pioneer round of regulatory events that are critical at the origin of AML formation. Furthermore, this study implies the existence of oncogene-induced positive feedback loops capable of bypassing the continuous need for certain regulators to propagate disease.
机译:急性髓细胞性白血病(AML)是一种造血系统恶性肿瘤,其特征是髓系祖细胞的克隆扩增。 AML生物学的主要机制主题是融合癌蛋白,转录因子和染色质调节剂之间的广泛合作,以启动和维持转化的细胞状态。这个问题上的一项新研究描述了C /EBPα转录因子如何对MLL融合癌蛋白诱导的AML的启动至关重要,但对于维持已建立的疾病却是完全必要的。这些观察提供了独特的一瞥,即对反洗钱形成起源至关重要的监管事件的先驱者。此外,这项研究暗示了癌基因诱导的正反馈回路的存在,能够绕过对某些调节剂传播疾病的持续需求。



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