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Impacts of public transit improvements on ridership and implications for physical activity in a low-density Canadian city




Public transit ridership offers valuable opportunities for modest amounts of daily physical activity (PA). Transit is a more feasible option for most Canadian commuters who live too far from work to walk or cycle, yet public transit usage in midsized Canadian cities has historically remained low due to inefficient transit service.The objectives of this longitudinal study were threefold: to assess whether the introduction of express transit service in the low-density city of Kingston, Ontario, has translated to greater transit use among a targeted employee group; to document the characteristics of those employees that have shifted to transit; and to examine the PA levels of employees using transit compared to other commute modes.An online survey was administered in October 2013 and October 2014 to all non-student employees at Queen's University. 1356 employees completed the survey in 2013, and 1123 in 2014; 656 of these employees completed the survey both years, constituting our longitudinal sample.Year-round transit ridership increased from 5.5% in 2013 to 8.5% in 2014 (p < 0.001). Employees who shifted to transit had fewer household-level opportunities to drive to work and more positive attitudes toward transit. Transit commuters accrued an average of 80 minutes/week of commute-related PA, and 50 minutes/week more total PA than those that commuted entirely passively.Kingston Transit's express service has stimulated an increase in transit ridership among one of their target employers, Queen's University. The findings from this study suggest that shifting to transit from entirely passive commuting can generate higher overall PA levels.
机译:乘坐公共交通工具为少量的日常体育活动(PA)提供了宝贵的机会。对于大多数上班时间较长的加拿大通勤者来说,公交是一种更可行的选择,但由于交通服务效率低下,加拿大中型城市的公共交通使用率历史上一直很低。这项纵向研究的目标是三个方面:在低密度的安大略省金斯顿市引入快速运输服务是否已转化为目标员工群体中更多的运输使用;记录那些转职的员工的特征;并在2013年10月和2014年10月对女王大学的所有非学生雇员进行了在线调查。 2013年有1356名员工完成调查,2014年完成了1123名员工;这些员工中有656位在两年内完成了调查,构成了我们的纵向样本。全年的过境乘车率从2013年的5.5%增加到2014年的8.5%(p <0.001)。转向过境的员工在家庭层面上开车的机会更少,并且对过境的态度更加积极。过境通勤者平均每周通勤80分钟,与完全被动通勤相比,平均总通勤时间多50分钟/一周.Kingston Transit的快递服务刺激了其目标雇主之一Queen's大学。这项研究的结果表明,从完全被动的通勤过渡到过渡可以产生更高的总PA水平。



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