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Event related potentials of emotional face processing in premature and full-term infants




V1) is different across species. In primates, orientation preference changes continuously resulting in columnar orientation maps, while salt-and-pepper organizations are observed in rodents. However, it still remains unclear whether these disparate organizations of V1 originate from the species- specific development of cortical circuits (Kaschube, 2014) or both organizations could be generated by a common developmental principle but differences in a biological parameter induce the structural variation. Although previous approaches have failed to predict the organization using a single parameter such as V1 size (Van Hooser et al., 2005), we revisited data of eight species to find the key factor that could predict the V1 organization of each species. Our analysis showed that whether a species would have columnar maps or salt-and-pepper organization, can be predicted by the retina-to-cortex feedforward sampling ratio, as estimated from the size of the retina and V1 in each species. In particular, the V1 organization of four species with V1 of similar size (ferrets/tree shrews having a columnar map; rabbits/squirrels having a salt- and-pepper organization) was successfully predicted by the ratio between the sizes of the retina and V1. In our computer simula- tion, we found that the high sampling ratio makes neighboring V1 neurons receive similar retinal inputs, resulting in a clustered ori- entation tuning as in columnar maps. To validate our assumption, we showed that the sampling ratio estimated from the number of retinal and cortical neurons also predicts V1 organization of all eight species. In addition, the threshold of the sampling ratio was mathematically consistent with a prediction by the Nyquist theorem in our model. Our results suggest a common retinal origin of functional organizations in the mammalian visual cortex.
机译:V1)在物种之间是不同的。在灵长类动物中,取向偏好不断变化,从而产生柱状取向图,而在啮齿动物中观察到盐和胡椒的组织。然而,仍不清楚这些V1的不同组织是起源于特定的皮质回路发育(Kaschube,2014)还是两个组织都可以通过共同的发育原理产生,但是生物学参数的差异会导致结构变异。尽管以前的方法未能使用单个参数(例如V1大小)来预测组织(Van Hooser等人,2005),但我们还是重新研究了8个物种的数据,以找到可以预测每个物种的V1组织的关键因素。我们的分析表明,一个物种是否具有柱状图或盐和胡椒的组织,可以通过视网膜与皮层的前馈采样比来预测,该比例是根据每个物种的视网膜和V1的大小进行估算的。尤其是,通过视网膜大小与V1大小之比,成功地预测了四个具有V1大小相似的物种(雪貂/树sh具有柱状图;具有盐和胡椒结构的兔子/松鼠)的V1组织。 。在我们的计算机仿真中,我们发现高采样率使邻近的V1神经元接收到类似的视网膜输入,从而导致了像柱状图一样的聚集方向调整。为了验证我们的假设,我们表明从视网膜和皮层神经元的数量估计的采样率还可以预测所有八个物种的V1组织。此外,采样率的阈值在​​数学上与我们模型中的奈奎斯特定理的预测一致。我们的结果表明哺乳动物视觉皮层中功能组织的常见视网膜起源。



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