首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of Anaesthesia >Remifentanil infusion as a modality for opioid-based anaesthesia in paediatric practice

Remifentanil infusion as a modality for opioid-based anaesthesia in paediatric practice




This study was designed to compare the intra-operative and post-operative analgesic requirements and side effects of using fentanyl infusion versus remifentanil infusion during short-duration surgical procedures in children. The study comprised of 40 children randomly allocated into two equal groups: fentanyl (F-group) or remifentanil (R-group). Both were administered a continuous intravenous (i.v.) infusion. Anaesthetic recovery was assessed using the Brussels sedation scale every 5 min from the time of entry till discharge from recovery room. Post-operative analgesia was assessed throughout the first three post-operative (PO) hours using observational pain–discomfort scale (OPS) and adverse events were recorded. Haemodynamic variables showed a non-significant difference between both the groups. Patients who received remifentanil showed significantly shorter time to spontaneous respiration, eye opening, extubation and verbalization compared to those who received fentanyl. Discharge time was significantly shorter in R-group, and 18 patients fulfilled criteria for recovery-room discharge at ≤25 min with a significant difference in favour of remifentanil. Fentanyl provided significantly better PO analgesia than remifentanil and children in F-group showed a significantly lower mean cumulative OPS record than those in R-group; however, the number of patients requiring rescue analgesia did not show a significant difference between both the groups. Two cases in F-group and one in R-group had bradycardia, one case in R-group had mild hypotension and PO vomiting had occurred in three patients in the F-group and two patients in the R-group. In conclusion, remifentanil is appropriate for opioid-based anaesthesia for paediatric patients as it provides haemodynamic stability and rapid recovery with minimal post-operative side effects.Keywords: Opioid based, paediatric, remifentanil
机译:本研究旨在比较儿童短期手术过程中使用芬太尼输注与瑞芬太尼输注的术中和术后镇痛要求以及副作用。该研究由40名儿童随机分为两个相等的组:芬太尼(F组)或瑞芬太尼(R组)。两者均被给予连续的静脉内(i.v.)输注。从入院时间到出院前每5分钟使用布鲁塞尔的镇静量表评估麻醉剂的恢复情况。使用观察性疼痛不适量表(OPS)评估术后前三个小时(PO)的术后镇痛效果,并记录不良事件。血流动力学变量显示两组之间无显着差异。与接受芬太尼的患者相比,接受瑞芬太尼的患者自发呼吸,睁眼,拔管和言语化的时间明显缩短。 R组的出院时间明显缩短,有18例患者在≤25分钟时达到了恢复室出院的标准,而瑞芬太尼的获益存在显着差异。芬太尼提供的PO镇痛比瑞芬太尼好得多,F组儿童的平均累积OPS记录显着低于R组。但是,需要抢救镇痛的患者数量在两组之间没有显着差异。 F组2例,R组1例有心动过缓,R组1例轻度低血压,F组3例,R组2例发生PO呕吐。总之,瑞米芬太尼适用于小儿类阿片类药物的麻醉,因为它可提供血流动力学稳定性和快速恢复,且术后副作用最小。关键词:阿片类药物,儿科,瑞芬太尼



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