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Developing your career: harnessing the power of the internet for 'digital career management'


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The overwhelming majority of adults in developed countries are now using the internet almost every day. In a study in Britain, the Office for National Statistics (2016) found that 87.9 per cent of adults were recent internet uses and that the percentage of the population which was using the internet regularly has been trending steadily upwards. I also know that employers are using the internet extensively for recruitment, screening of applicants, surveillance of employees and as evidence in dismissals (Landers and Schmidt, 2016; McDonald and Thompson, 2016). The internet is everywhere, and this includes the workplace.
机译:现在,发达国家的绝大多数成年人几乎每天都在使用互联网。英国国家统计局(2016)在英国进行的一项研究中发现,最近有87.9%的成年人使用互联网,并且定期使用互联网的人口比例一直在稳步上升。我也知道,雇主正在广泛地使用互联网来招聘,筛选申请人,监视雇员以及将其作为解雇的证据(Landers和Schmidt,2016年; McDonald和Thompson,2016年)。互联网无处不在,其中包括工作场所。



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