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Transgenic strategies for expression of fluorescent proteins in the nervous system


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Detailed analysis of neuronal network architecture requires the development of new methods. Here we present strategies to visualize synaptic circuits by genetically labelling neurons with multiple, distinct colours. In Brainbow transgenes, Cre/lox recombination is used to create a stochastic choice of expression between three or more fluorescent proteins (XFPs). Integration of tandem Brainbow copies in transgenic mice yielded combinatorial XFP expression, and thus many colours, thereby providing a way to distinguish adjacent neurons and visualize other cellular interactions. As a demonstration, we reconstructed hundreds of neighbouring axons and multiple synaptic contacts in one small volume of a cerebellar lobe exhibiting approximately 90 colours. The expression in some lines also allowed us to map glial territories and follow glial cells and neurons over time in vivo. The ability of the Brainbow system to label uniquely many individual cells within a population may facilitate the analysis of neuronal circuitry on a large scale.
机译:对神经网络结构的详细分析需要开发新方法。在这里,我们介绍通过遗传标记具有多种不同颜色的神经元来可视化突触回路的策略。在Brainbow转基因中,使用Cre / lox重组来随机选择三个或多个荧光蛋白(XFP)之间的表达。转基因Brainbow副本在转基因小鼠中的整合产生了组合XFP表达,并因此产生了多种颜色,从而提供了一种区分相邻神经元并可视化其他细胞相互作用的方式。作为演示,我们在一个小体积的小脑小叶中重建了数百个相邻的轴突和多个突触接触,这些小叶呈现出大约90种颜色。在某些行中的表达还使我们能够绘制胶质细胞分布图,并在体内随时间推移追踪胶质细胞和神经元。 Brainbow系统独特地标记种群中许多单个细胞的能力可能有助于大规模分析神经元回路。



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