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Case Report - Effects of an Unintended High Dose of Monensin on Milk Production and Milk Fat in a Dairy Herd


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Lactating dairy cows were accidently fed monensinat a dose of 32.7 g per ton (36 ppm) of feed for three weeks.This resulted from a mixing error when monensin wasadded to the mineral premix, as well as an error in theamount of mineral fed to the lactating cows. A decreasein dry matter intake was noticed during the first threedays following the mixing error. Bulk-tank milk fat percentage decreased by 0.6, but daily milk production increased by 6.9 1b (3.1 kg)/cow/day during this period, andfor an additional two weeks. A residual effect on milkproduction and fat percentage was observed for threeweeks after monensin intake returned to the prescribeddosage of 14.5 g per ton (16 ppm). This residual effectwas more pronounced during the first week followingresumption of the prescribed intake of monensin.
机译:哺乳的奶牛意外地以每吨饲料32.7克(36 ppm)的剂量饲喂莫能菌素,持续三周,这是由于莫能菌素添加到矿物质预混物中时混合错误,以及喂入牛粪素中的矿物质量错误所致。奶牛。在混合误差之后的前三天内,发现干物质摄入减少。在此期间,散装罐装牛奶的脂肪百分比降低了0.6,但每日牛奶产量增加了6.9 1b(3.1 kg)/牛/天,并且增加了两周。在莫能菌素摄入量恢复到每吨14.5克(16 ppm)的规定剂量后三周,观察到了对产奶量和脂肪百分比的残留影响。在恢复莫能菌素的处方摄入后的第一周,这种残留作用更加明显。



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