首页> 外文期刊>The British journal of psychiatry : >Breast cancer screening in women with mental illness: Comparative meta-analysis of mammography uptake

Breast cancer screening in women with mental illness: Comparative meta-analysis of mammography uptake


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Background: There is a higher mortality rate due to cancer in people with mental illness and previous work suggests suboptimal medical care in this population. It remains unclear if this extends to breast cancer population screening. Aims: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis to establish if women with a mental health condition are less likely to receive mammography screening compared with those without mental ill health. Method: Major electronic databases were searched from inception until February 2014. We calculated odds ratios (OR) with a random effects meta-analysis comparing mammography screening rates among women with and without a mental illness. Results were stratified according to primary diagnosis including any mental illness, mood disorders, depression, severe mental illness (SMI), distress and anxiety. Results: We identified 24 publications reporting breast cancer screening practices in women with mental illness (n = 715 705). An additional 5 studies investigating screening for those with distress (n = 21 491) but no diagnosis of mental disorder were identified. The pooled meta-analysis showed significantly reduced rates of mammography screening in women with mental illness (OR = 0.71, 95% CI 0.66-0.77), mood disorders (OR = 0.83, 95% CI 0.76-0.90) and particularly SMI (OR = 0.54, 95% CI 0.45-0.65). No disparity was evident among women with distress alone. Conclusions: Rates of mammography screening are lower in women with mental illness, particularly women with SMI, and this is not explained by the presence of emotional distress. Disparities in medical care due to mental illness clearly extend into preventive population screening.
机译:背景:患有精神疾病的人因癌症而导致的死亡率较高,以前的工作表明该人群的医疗服务欠佳。尚不清楚这是否扩展到乳腺癌人群筛查。目的:进行系统的回顾和荟萃分析,以确定与没有精神疾病的女性相比,患有精神疾病的女性接受乳房X光检查的可能性是否更低。方法:从开始到2014年2月,搜索主要的电子数据库。我们使用随机效应荟萃分析计算了优势比(OR),比较了患有和不患有精神疾病的女性的乳房X线照片筛查率。根据主要诊断对结果进行分层,包括任何精神疾病,情绪障碍,抑郁,重度精神疾病(SMI),困扰和焦虑。结果:我们确定了24篇报告患有精神疾病的女性进行乳腺癌筛查实践的出版物(n = 715705)。另有5项研究筛查了困扰者(n = 21491),但未诊断出精神障碍。汇总的荟萃分析显示,患有精神疾病(OR = 0.71,95%CI 0.66-0.77),情绪障碍(OR = 0.83,95%CI 0.76-0.90),尤其是SMI(OR = 0.54,95%CI 0.45-0.65)。仅受苦妇女中没有明显差异。结论:患有精神疾病的女性,特别是患有SMI的女性,乳房X线照片筛查的比率较低,这不能通过情绪困扰来解释。精神疾病引起的医疗保健差异显然扩展到了预防性人群筛查。



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