首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >Growth performance and carcass characteristics of indigenous Mukota pigs of Zimbabwe

Growth performance and carcass characteristics of indigenous Mukota pigs of Zimbabwe


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Carcass quality characteristics are essential in affecting grading and revenue that pig producers realize. No information is available on the grading of carcasses in indigenous Mukota pigs of Zimbabwe. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of genotype (Mukota and Large White Mukota) and sex on post-weaning growth performance and carcass traits of pigs fed maize cob-based diets. All pigs were weighed at 2-week intervals to estimate average daily gain, dressing percentage (DP), and carcass lengths. Backfat thickness was also measured. Males had higher body weight gains than females (P<0.05). Growth rates for Mukota (0.31 plus or minus 0.010) and crossbred (0.41 plus or minus 0.030) pigs were lower in the cool season than the other seasons (P<0.05). Body weights were consistently higher in the crossbred than in the Mukota pigs (P<0.05). Mukota pigs showed a peak growth between 12 and 14weeks post-weaning (P<0.05). The DPs were 0.70 and 0.73 for the Mukota and crossbred pigs, respectively (P<0.05). Crossbred pigs had longer (P<0.05) carcasses than Mukota (655.5 plus or minus 1.68 versus 507.2 plus or minus 0.92mm). Although there were no differences in the backfat thickness between males and females of the crossbred pigs, Mukota males had thicker backfat than the females (P<0.05). Crossbreeding is, therefore, significant in improving carcass grades of Mukota pigs.
机译:affecting体质量特征对影响生猪生产者的分级和收益至关重要。没有关于津巴布韦土著Mukota猪s体等级的信息。这项研究的目的是确定基因型(Mukota和大白Mukota)和性别对以玉米芯为基础饲喂玉米的仔猪断奶后生长性能和car体性状的影响。所有猪每隔2周称重一次,以估计平均日增重,换药率(DP)和car体长度。还测量了背脂厚度。男性的体重增加比女性高(P <0.05)。在凉爽季节,Mukota(0.31正负0.010)和杂种猪(0.41正负0.030)的生长速度低于其他季节(P <0.05)。杂种猪的体重始终高于Mukota猪(P <0.05)。断奶后12至14周,Mukota猪表现出峰值生长(P <0.05)。 Mukota和杂种猪的DP分别为0.70和0.73(P <0.05)。杂种猪的尸体比Mukota更长(P <0.05)(655.5正负1.68对507.2正负0.92mm)。尽管杂交猪的雄性和雌性之间的后脂肪厚度没有差异,但Mukota雄性的后脂肪比雌性厚(P <0.05)。因此,杂交育种对提高Mukota猪的car体等级具有重要意义。



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