首页> 外文期刊>Waterbirds >Seasonal and Annual Body Mass Changes in Breeding and Prospecting Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla: Adaptation or Food Shortage?

Seasonal and Annual Body Mass Changes in Breeding and Prospecting Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla: Adaptation or Food Shortage?

机译:繁殖和找寻黑脚Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla的季节性和年度体重变化:适应还是食物短缺?

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Body masses of over 1,500 adult and sub-adult Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla were measured during breeding seasons from 1954 to 1995 at colonies in NE England. There was little change between years in the mean mass of each sex, except for a 2% increase in the 1980s and a decrease of 4-7% in 1995. The relative constancy of mass, together with high breeding success throughout, suggested that periods of food shortage in the breeding season were absent throughout the study period. Breeding males averaged 394g and were about 13% heavier than females (340g). Breeding fen tales showed a brief and temporary increase in mass prior to egg laying, and both sexes showed a small but non-significant increase in mass during incubation. There was an abrupt loss of about 6% of mass in adults of both sexes al. the time the eggs hatched, and mass remained at this lower level through the nestling period. Masses of prospecting and breeding females were similar and both showed the abrupt decrease in mass in late May and in June. In contrast, prospecting males had a consistently lower mass (377g) than breeding males throughout. The pattern and timing of the loss of mass in breeding kittiwakes did not support the hypothesis that it is induced by stress arising from the need to obtain extra food for the brood, but that it can be regarded as an adaptation for more energetically efficient flight during a period when increased flying activity is needed to obtain additional food for the brood. The assumption that a higher mass in an individual is always a useful measure of quality is probably unjustified. Received 22 July 2009, accepted 30 September 2009.
机译:在1954年至1995年繁殖期间,对英格兰东北地区的殖民地进行了测量,发现了超过1500只成年和亚成年黑脚Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla的体重。除1980年代增加2%和1995年减少4-7%外,各性别的年平均数间变化不大。相对质量的恒定性以及整个时期的高成功繁殖表明在整个研究期间,没有出现繁殖季节粮食短缺的情况。繁殖雄性平均394克,比雌性(340克)重约13%。繁育的传说表明,在产卵前质量有短暂的暂时性增加,而在孵化过程中,男女的质量都有少量但无明显的增加。男女成人的体重突然损失了约6%。卵孵化的时间,在整个雏鸟时期,卵的质量都保持在较低的水平。勘探雌性和育种雌性的质量相似,并且都在5月下旬和6月显着下降。相比之下,有前景的雄性的体重(377g)始终低于育种雄性。繁育过程中质量损失的方式和时机不支持这样的假说:它是由于需要为母鸡获得额外食物而产生的压力而引起的,但可以认为它是适应过程中更节能的飞行需要增加飞行活动以获得更多食物供养的时期。认为个体中较高的质量始终是对质量的有用衡量指标这一假设可能是没有道理的。 2009年7月22日收到,2009年9月30日接受。



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