首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >A comparison of slice characteristics and sensory characteristics of bacon from immunologically castrated barrows with bacon from physically castrated barrows, boars, and gilts

A comparison of slice characteristics and sensory characteristics of bacon from immunologically castrated barrows with bacon from physically castrated barrows, boars, and gilts


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The objectives were to compare slice characteristics and sensory attributes of bacon from immunologically castrated (IC) barrows with bacon from other sexes using a trained sensory panel. Bacon was obtained for sensory evaluation from 3 experiments. In Exp. 1, trimmed and squared bellies (n = 180) of IC barrows, IC barrows fed ractopamine hydrochloride (IC+RAC), physically castrated (PC) barrows, intact males (IM), and gilts were used. Data were analyzed as a general linear mixed model and pen (n = 48) served as the experimental unit. Treatment (sex or diet) was a fixed effect in all 3 experiments. In Exp. 2, untrimmed, natural fall bellies (n = 96) from IC and PC barrows fed 0 or 30% or a withdrawal distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) program when slaughtered at 5 wk after the second dose (25 wk of age) were used. In Exp. 3, untrimmed, natural fall bellies (n = 96) from IC and PC barrows fed the same experimental diets as in experiment 2 but slaughtered at 7 wk after the second dose (27 wk of age) were used. Data from Exp. 2 and 3 were analyzed as a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement in a randomized complete block design and pen was the experimental unit. Bellies from all 3 experiments were processed using the same protocols. In Exp. 1, IM had the greatest (P 0.0001) boar aroma and flavor scores among all treatments. No differences were detected among the other treatment groups for boar aroma or flavor. Intact males had the least (P 0.0001) desirable cured bacon aroma and flavor among all treatments. No differences were detected among the other treatment groups for bacon aroma or flavor. There were no differences in bacon aroma or off-flavor between IC and PC barrows slaughtered at 5 wk after the second dose regardless of DDGS feeding program. Bacon from PC barrows was saltier (P 0.01) than bacon from IC barrows when slaughtered at 5 wk after the second dose. There were no differences in bacon aroma, off-aroma, bacon flavor, or saltiness between IC and PC barrows slaughtered at 7 wk after the second dose regardless of DDGS feeding program. Total slice area of bacon slices from IC barrows slaughtered at 5 wk after the second dose were less (P 0.01) than PC barrows, but the differences diminished (P = 0.16) when slaughtered at 7 wk after the second dose. Overall, panelists successfully detected boar odor and flavor in Exp. 1. Immunological castration was as effective as physical castration at eliminating boar aroma and boar flavor in bacon even when feeding differing DDGS feeding programs or when slaughtered at 5 or 7 wk after the second dose.
机译:目的是使用训练有素的感官小组来比较免疫cast割(IC)公猪的培根的切片特征和感觉属性与其他性别的培根。从3个实验中获得了培根用于感官评估。在实验中如图1所示,使用了修剪整齐且呈方形的腹肌(n = 180)的IC手推车,饲喂盐酸莱克多巴胺的IC手推车(IC + RAC),cast割的(PC)手推车,完整的雄性(IM)和小母猪。数据作为一般线性混合模型进行分析,笔(n = 48)作为实验单位。治疗(性别或饮食)在所有3个实验中都是固定的。在实验中2,在第二剂量(年龄25周龄)后5周屠宰时,IC和PC人工饲喂0或30%或撤除蒸馏器干燥谷物的可溶物(DDGS)程序未修剪的自然秋季腹部(n = 96)用过的。在实验中3,饲喂与实验2相同的实验饮食的来自IC和PC猪的未修剪的天然秋季腹部(n = 96),但使用第二剂(年龄27 wk)后7 wk处死。来自Exp。 2和3在随机完整块设计中按2 x 3析因排列进行了分析,笔为实验单位。使用相同的协议处理所有3个实验的腹部。在实验中如图1所示,在所有处理中,IM的公猪香气和风味得分最高(P <0.0001)。在其他处理组之间,公猪的香气或风味没有差异。在所有处理中,完整的雄性具有最少的(P <0.0001)理想的腌制培根香气和风味。在其他处理组之间未发现培根香气或风味的差异。第二次给药后第5周宰杀的IC和PC猪之间的培根香气或异味没有差异,而与DDGS喂养程序无关。第二次给药后5周屠宰时,PC猪场的熏肉比IC猪场的熏肉更咸(P <0.01)。在第二次给药后第7周宰杀的IC和PC猪之间,培根香气,香气,培根风味或咸味之间没有差异,而与DDGS喂养程序无关。第二次给药后5 wk处死的IC猪场的培根切片的总切片面积小于PC屠宰(P <0.01),但第二次给药7 wk处死时的差异减小(P = 0.16)。总体而言,小组成员成功地在Exp中检测了公猪的气味和味道。 1.免疫cast割在消除培根中的公猪香气和公猪风味方面与物理physical割同样有效,即使在饲喂不同的DDGS饲喂程序或在第二剂后5周或7周屠宰时也是如此。



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