首页> 外文期刊>The European Journal of Neuroscience >Cognitive functioning in glioma patients is related to functional connectivity measures of the non-tumoural hemisphere

Cognitive functioning in glioma patients is related to functional connectivity measures of the non-tumoural hemisphere


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Previous studies have shown that cognitive functioning in patients with brain tumour is associated with the functional network characteristics of specific resting-state networks or with whole-brain network characteristics. These studies, however, did not acknowledge the functional contribution of areas in the contralesional, non-tumoural hemisphere, even though these healthy remote areas likely play a critical role in compensating for the loss of function in damaged tissue. In the current study, we examined whether there is an association between cognitive performance and functional network features of the contralesional hemisphere of patients with glioma. We found that local efficiency of the contralesional hemisphere was associated with performance on the reaction time domain, whereas contralesional assortativity was associated with complex attention and cognitive flexibility scores. Our results suggest that a less segregated organization of the contralesional hemisphere is associated with better reaction time scores, whereas a better spread of information over the contralesional hemisphere through mutually interconnected contralesional hubs is associated with better cognitive flexibility and better complex attention scores. These findings urge researchers to recognize the functional contribution of remote, undamaged regions and to focus more on the graph metrics of the contralesional hemisphere in the search for predictors of cognitive functioning in patients with brain tumour.



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