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Evaluation of flowering characteristics in Indian potato varieties


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Some important flowering attributes for achieveing of hybridization, i.e. appearance, duration and intensity of flowering together with quantity of pollen production, fertility and formation of self berries were studied in a set of 32 Indian and 4 exotic potato varieties at Kufri Himachal Pradesh. The varieties showed considerable variation for the above traits, where appearance of flowering ranged between 6.17 to 11 weeks after planting and flowering duration between 1 to 8 weeks. Flowering intensity varied from shy to profuse flowering, while pollen production ranged from very low to very high. Pollen stainability, a measure of pollen fertility ranged from 2.56 to 82.6% and production of self berries from nil to 24.81%. In general, early maturing varieties bloomed earlier and exhibited low pollen fertility, while blooming was comparatively late in varieties having Solarium andigena in the pedigree. Flowering duration, intensity and pollen production were not affected by either maturity or pedigree of the variety. Based on the flowering attributes, the present investigation indicated that cvs. Kufri Chamatkar, Kufri Chandramukhi, Kufri Lauvkar, Kufri Bahar, Kufri Kumar, Kufri Safed and Kufri Muthu, should be best utilized as females, while cv.Kufri Sherpa be best utilized as male only. The varieties having Solarium andigena in their pedigree alongwith cv. Kufri Chipsona-1, on the other hand should be used both as male or female in the hybridization.
机译:在Kufri Himachal Pradesh的一组32个印度和4个外来马铃薯品种中,研究了实现杂交的一些重要开花属性,即外观,开花时间和开花强度以及花粉的产量,繁殖力和自浆果的形成。该品种在上述性状上显示出相当大的变异,其中开花期在种植后的6.17至11周之间,开花期在1至8周之间。开花强度从害羞开花到大量开花不等,而花粉产量从非常低到非常高。花粉可染色性(衡量花粉育性的范围从2.56%到82.6%)和自浆果产量从零到24.81%。一般而言,早熟品种的花期较早,且花粉育性低,而在日光温室中,日光花和紫花属的花期较晚。开花期,强度和花粉产量不受该品种的成熟度或系谱影响。基于开花属性,本研究表明该种。 Kufri Chamatkar,Kufri Chandramukhi,Kufri Lauvkar,Kufri Bahar,Kufri Kumar,Kufri Safed和Kufri Muthu,最好被用作女性,而Cufri Sherpa则仅被用作男性。该品种的谱系中同时含有日光浴室andigena和cv。另一方面,Kufri Chipsona-1在杂交中应作为男性或女性使用。



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