首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Technology Management: The Journal of the Technology Management of Technology, Engineering Management, Technology Policy and Strategy >Value chain restructuring and R&D portfolio management: the effects of system-on-chip integration on the semiconductor and electronics industries

Value chain restructuring and R&D portfolio management: the effects of system-on-chip integration on the semiconductor and electronics industries


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The integration onto a single 'system-on-chip' (SoC) of functions that previously were performed by different computer chips on a system board (e.g. memory, system processing and application-specific logic) is a major technology theme in the semiconductor industry at present. This paper examines the effects of SoC integration on business models and R&D management strategy in the semiconductor and electronics industries. It will show that SoC integration is closely connected with restructuring in the value chain, including the shift from vertically integrated to narrower business models, the redistribution of relative value among the various segments of the chain and the appearance of new business models (e.g. foundry services and design 'IP' providers). In addition to involving larger and more diverse development teams, SoC integration calls on technology managers to adopt portfolio-based R&D management focus and to monitor closely the entire value chain in order to keep up with rapidly changing customer demands and opportunities. [References: 20]
机译:以前由系统板上不同计算机芯片执行的功能(例如存储器,系统处理和专用逻辑)集成到单个“片上系统”(SoC)上是半导体行业的主要技术主题现在。本文研究了SoC集成对半导体和电子行业中业务模型和R&D管理策略的影响。它将表明SoC集成与价值链中的重组紧密相关,包括从垂直集成向更狭窄的业务模型转变,相对价值在链的各个部分之间的重新分配以及新业务模型(例如代工服务)的出现。并设计“ IP”提供商)。 SoC集成不仅需要更大,更多样化的开发团队参与,还要求技术经理采用基于产品组合的研发管理重点,并密切监视整个价值链,以跟上快速变化的客户需求和机遇。 [参考:20]



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