
On Viscous Generalized Chapyglin Gases in Non-flat Universes


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The density dependence on cosmic time of viscous cosmological fluids which obey a generalized Chapyglin gas equation of state in four-dimensional space-time within the cosmological Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) model is obtained analytically for scale factors that depend on the cosmic time in either a power, exponential or mixed exponential-power fashion. It is shown that, depending on the power of the density that appears in the generalized Chapyglin gas equation of state, the scale factor and the viscosity coefficient, the density may decrease in either a monomial or an exponential manner with time and may exhibit either integrable or non-integrable singularities. The parameters that characterize the scale factor and equation of state are determined from available experimental data for the Hubble, deceleration, jerk and state-finder parameters. It is shown that an exponential scale factor is not consistent with currently available experimental data for the deceleration and jerk parameters, and that the poorly constrained observational data for these parameters result in broad ranges for the coefficients that appear in the power-law and quasi-exponential scale factors. It is also shown that, although the power-law and quasi-exponential scale factors may be selected so as to provide results compatible with experimental observations at the present time, their predictions may be dramatically different in the near distant or future times.



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