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点眼的相关文献在1976年到2022年内共计183篇,主要集中在畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、眼科学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文121篇、专利文献105290篇;相关期刊104种,包括农民致富之友、护理研究、黑龙江医学等; 点眼的相关文献由299位作者贡献,包括樟幸男、山田博、山崎浩之等。



论文:121 占比:0.11%


论文:105290 占比:99.89%





  • 樟幸男
  • 山田博
  • 山崎浩之
  • 菅原祐司
  • 东城光佐
  • 安达慎太郎
  • 小川裕助
  • 石川嘉晃
  • 黄艳
  • 丸山浩树
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 冯启霞; 汪庆松
    • 摘要: 在鸡群生长发育过程中,难免会受到传染性疾病的困扰,在防控传染性疾病的措施中,免疫接种是首选方案,管理人员不仅应该重视免疫程序的制定和操作方法,还必须重视疫苗选择、抗体检测和进行紧急接种等各个细节和事项,才能保证免疫接种效果,减少免疫失败现象,确保鸡群处于健康状况。
    • 李翠霞; 李学红
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨白内障术前抗生素眼药水的点眼频次与结膜囊内细菌菌落计数的关系.方法:将2020年5月1日-5月5日5天收治的白内障患者200例,随机分为对照组(点眼频次为1小时一次,连续点眼10次)和试验组(点眼频次为半小时一次,连续点眼10次),每组100例,次日早上八点用无菌棉拭子轻取结膜囊内的脱落上皮细胞,进行细菌培养.观察并比较两组的细菌菌落计数情况.结果:试验组的结膜囊内细菌菌落计数与对照组相比,利用统计学软件SPSS12.0进行数据分析,2组间比较差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:白内障术前抗生素眼药水的点眼频次对结膜囊内细菌菌落计数没有明显的影响,白内障患者的术前点眼可以1小时一次点眼,连续点眼10次,也可以半小时一次点眼,连续点眼10次.
    • 李芹; 米娇娇; 常海霞
    • 摘要: 目的:评价Orem自理理论指导患者正确点眼的效果.方法:选择2018年7月—12月期间医院眼科收治的需要使用滴眼液的眼部疾病患者120例,按照入院顺序分组,对照组、观察组各入组对象60例,对照组常规护理,观察组用Orem自理理论指导患者正确点眼.结果:观察组点眼合格率88.6%(124/140),高于对照组60.0%(87/145),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).观察组洗手、姿势、瓶嘴距离、点眼药量、闭上眼睛5min、按压眼内角鼻泪管、药物间隔、盖上瓶盖合格率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:Orem自理理论指导患者正确点眼,可以提升点眼的质量.
    • 穆小慧
    • 摘要: “不是只有胆结石、肾结石吗?居然我长了眼结石。”家住江北区北国风光小区的舒凡雪,至今对于医生的诊断很意外。春节后上班,舒凡雪眼睛感觉有异物,无法正常睁开,晚上开车时候,红绿灯都看不清楚了。急忙跑去附近的江北一院眼科检查,一查才知道原来自己眼里已长满了结石,经过半个小时的手术才处理完。引起结石的原因,更是让她万万没想到……
    • 凌毕益; 罗灵敏; 陈远博
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the cognition and behavior of knowledge on using eye drops among the family members of patients with conjunctivitis, to prevent and reduce conjunctivitis, and to provide scientific basis for the development of high-quality continuing nursing care. Methods One hundred parents of children with conjunctivitis in the Department of Ophthalmology in our hospital from January 2014 to January 2015 were selected, and investigated by self-made questionnaires on cognition and behavior of knowledge on using eye drops. The results were analyzed sta-tistically. Results All the 100 questionnaires issued were collected back, with the valid rate of 100%. The subjects sur-veyed showed a low mastering level of the knowledge on using eye drops. As for the question of whether conjunctivitis is contagious, 33%subjects considered that conjunctivitis is not contagious and 40%believed that it is infectious, with 27% subjects not clear about the question. Conclusion Most children patients with conjunctivitis can not apply eye drops on their own, and family members play a key role in the treatment process. Strengthening the education of knowl-edge on using eye drops and regularizing the behavior of using eye drops can help promote the recovery of patients as soon as possible.%目的:了解结膜炎患者家属对点眼知识的认知与行为现状,以预防和减少结膜炎的发生,同时为制定高质量的延续护理提供科学依据。方法选取本院眼科2014年1月至2015年1月眼科门诊儿童结膜炎患儿家长100名,采取本院自制结膜炎患儿家属点眼知识认知与行为问卷调查表,统计家属对点眼知识了解情况。结果本次调查共发放100份问卷,均成功回收,收回有效问卷为100%。被调查的结膜炎患儿家属对结膜炎点眼知识认识水平普遍偏低,如对结膜炎是否会传染,27%的家属表示不清楚,33%的家属认为不传染,只有40%的家属认为会传染。结论结膜炎患儿大多没有自行点眼能力,家属在患儿治疗、自我管理和点眼中起着关键作用,应加强对结膜炎患儿家属点眼相关知识教育,规范点眼行为,促进患儿早日康复。
    • 摘要: 家禽新城疫的免疫存在很多误区,导致免疫失败,成为临床新城疫发病越来越频繁的原因之一。新城疫苗点眼滴鼻时,最常见的问题是疫苗刚滴进眼或鼻内就把鸡放回笼内,而小鸡的习惯性甩头动作会把疫苗甩掉,致使免疫失败。
    • 佘兮; 廖琼; 杨洲权
    • 摘要: 目的:比较白内障术后2 h 开放点眼与术后第1天开放点眼对患者术眼角膜水肿和视力的影响。方法选取2011年4~12月于第三军医大学第二附属医院行白内障超声乳化吸除联合人工晶体植入术患者155例(240只眼)作为研究对象,随机分为早期开放点眼组和常规包盖组。早期开放点眼组(n=120)术后在结膜囊内涂妥布霉素地塞米松眼膏后纱布包眼,2 h 后解除包盖,予妥布霉素地塞米松眼液点眼1次/小时至临睡前,睡前予以妥布霉素地塞米松眼膏涂眼。常规包盖组(n=120)术后在结膜囊内涂妥布霉素地塞米松眼膏后纱布包眼,术后第1天晨解除纱布包盖。比较2组患者术后2 h 、术后第1天晨术眼角膜水肿情况及裸眼远视力情况。结果2组患者术后2 h 术眼视力及角膜水肿、异物感、畏光、疼痛的发生率,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);早期开放点眼组术后第1天晨角膜水肿程度、视力及视力提高3排以上百分比明显高于常规包盖组(χ2=8.825,P<0.05;t =3.751, P<0.05;χ2=19.509,P<0.05)。2组患者均未出现感染,亦无切口裂开。结论术后2 h 开放点眼有利于减轻角膜水肿,术后第1天视力提高更理想。%Objective To compare the effect of eye dropping at 2 h and on 1 d after phacoemulsification and IOL implantation on patient′s corneal edema and visual acuity .Methods 155 cases(240 eyes) undergoing phacoemul‐sification and IOL implantation in our hospital from April to December 2011 were selected as the research subjects and randomly divided into the early eye dropping group and the conventional cover group .The early eye dropping group(n= 120) conducted the gauze covering eye after smearing Tobramycin and Dexamethasone Ophthalmic Oint‐ment inside the conjunctival sac .After 2 h ,the cover was relieved and the eye dropping of Tobramycin and Dexam‐ethasone Eye Drop was given ,once per hour until sleep .Smearing eye by Tobramycin and Dexamethasone Ophthalmic Ointment was performed before sleep .The conventional cover group conducted the gauze covering eye after smearing Tobramycin and Dexamethasone Ophthalmic Ointment .In the morning of postoperative 1 d ,the gauze cover was re‐lieved .Then the corneal edema condition and visual acuity were recorded and analyzed at postoperative 2 h ,in the morning of postoperative 1 d .Results The visual acuity and the occurrence rates of corneal edema ,foreign body sen‐sation ,photophobia and pain at postoperative 2 h had no statistical differences between the two groups(P> 0 .05) ;the corneal edema degree ,visual acuity and percentage of visual acuity over 3 row in the morning of postoperative 1 d in the early eye dropping group were significantly higher than those in the conventional cover group(χ2 = 8 .825 ,P <0 .05 ,t= 3 .751 ,P < 0 .05 ,χ2 = 19 .509 ,P < 0 .05) .No endophthalmitis and incision rupture were observed in both groups .Conclusion Eye dropping at postoperative 2 h conduces to alleviate corneal edema .The visual acuity increase on postoperative 1 d is more ideal .
    • 达文西
    • 摘要: 手游市场近年来入局的是越来越多,端游页游厂商或者是明星都在涉足这个产业,最近,上海美术电影制片厂也来了。瞅着名字就有点眼熟是不?《葫芦娃》就是他们家的。
    • 摘要: 1传染性支气管炎 1.1免疫预防:疫苗接种是目前预防该病的一项主要措施。建议:7日龄新支H120滴鼻点眼;21日龄新支H52滴鼻点眼或饮水;若肾型传支严重区域可在1日龄免疫鸡肾型传支W93株;
    • 李荣
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨感染性角膜炎治疗。方法:15例16眼采用局部烧灼(1例1眼)或制成碘伏眼水点眼(15例15眼)联合抗菌药或抗真菌或抗病毒药物应用。结果:15例15眼患者中治愈12例13眼,有效2例2眼,无效1例1眼。总有效率93.8%。结论:感染性角膜炎(细菌、真菌或病毒)如能及时正确处理,可取得满意的临床疗效。
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