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Ask a Librarian Live: Using Chat Technology to Expand Remote Reference Services in an Academic Business Library




By interacting directly with patrons in real-time to provide a premium information-finding experience, we are able to market new databases and library services to patrons on an as-needed basis. We receive real-time feedback about patron service efforts via transcripts and exit surveys. Live chat is an avenue for strengthening patron relationships, including alumni relations. Reference operators can work from anywhere with a standard web browser and an internet connection, making reference telecommuting a possibility. "Ask a Librarian Live" has made our library services and resources more visible to patrons we might not see. By giving these "virtual patrons" access to a librarian, we allow library services to keep up with our growing online resources. Is it the end all, in terms of services? No. However, as patrons continue to become more virtual, and the library continues to snap up more electronic resources, services will have to follow ― and Ask a Librarian Live is a step in the evolution of these reference services.
机译:通过直接与顾客实时与顾客进行互动以提供高级信息查找经验,我们能够按照需要将新的数据库和图书馆服务推广到顾客。我们通过成绩单和退出调查获得关于赞助人服务的实时反馈。在线聊天是加强顾客关系的大道,包括校友关系。参考操作员可以使用标准的Web浏览器和Internet连接的任何位置工作,引用远程办公可以使用。 “询问图书馆员生活”已经让我们的图书馆服务和资源对顾客更加明显,我们可能没有看到。通过向图书管理员提供这些“虚拟顾客”,我们允许库服务跟上我们不断增长的在线资源。在服务方面是最终的吗?不。然而,由于顾客继续变得更加虚拟,而且图书馆继续捕捉更多的电子资源,服务将不得不跟踪 - 并询问图书馆员生活是这些参考服务的演变的一步。



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