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Texture profile analysis of starches from non-conventional sources compared to maize and cassava starches




Starch is a versatile ingredient in the food industry, being widely used as a thickening, gelling, bulking and water retention agent. The knowledge of the textural properties of different starches is therefore very important, to correctly select the best starch for a determined application. The present investigation was undertaken to study the texture characteristics of gels from different non-conventional starch sources, in comparison to widely studied native cereal (maize) and tuber (cassava) starches. Non-conventional starches were extracted from two tubers and two legumes of the following varieties: yam (Dioscorea alata), ginger root (Zingiber officinale), chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). A TAXT2 texture analyzer was used to study the texture profiles of the starch gels. The textural properties of the gels from the different starches varied greatly. Hardness was greater for the gel prepared with yam starch (483.7 gf). Ginger root (426.8 gf), chickpea (382.9gf) and white bean (360.3 gf) starch gels had intermediate hardness values. Maize (92.7 gf) and cassava (54.3 gf) starch gels had much lower hardness values. The most cohesive gel was that from cassava (0.91). Maize starch gel had an intermediate value for cohesiveness (0.56). Yam (0.49), chickpea (0.46), white bean (0.46) and ginger root (0.46) starches were less cohesive. With respect to gumminess, the yam starch gel presented the highest value (235.5). Ginger root (198.4), chickpea (175.4) and whitebean (166.6) starch gels had intermediate values. Cassava (48.9) and maize (52.2) gels were less gummy. These results confirm the need of in-depth studies to determine the applicability of new starches as textural ingredients in the food industry.
机译:淀粉是食品工业中的一种多功能成分,广泛用作增稠,胶凝,膨胀和水保留剂。因此,不同淀粉的纹理性质的知识非常重要,以正确选择最佳淀粉以获得确定的应用。本发明的研究是为了研究来自不同非常规淀粉源的凝胶的质地特征,与广泛研究的天然谷物(玉米)和块茎(木薯)淀粉相比。从两根块茎提取非常规淀粉和以下品种的两个豆类:山药(Dioscorea alata),姜根(Zingiber Officinale),鹰嘴豆(Cicer Arietinum L.)和白豆(Pheneolusulus vulgaris L.)。税务2纹理分析仪用于研究淀粉凝胶的纹理轮廓。不同淀粉的凝胶的纹理性质大大变化。用山淀粉(483.7GF)制备的凝胶的硬度更大。姜根(426.8 gf),鹰嘴豆(382.9gf)和白豆(360.3 gf)淀粉凝胶具有中间硬度值。玉米(92.7 gf)和木薯(54.3 gf)淀粉凝胶具有较低的硬度值。最粘性的凝胶是来自木薯(0.91)。玉米淀粉凝胶具有粘结性的中间值(0.56)。山药(0.49),鹰嘴豆(0.46),白豆(0.46)和姜根(0.46)淀粉均不那么粘性。关于荧光,亚马淀粉凝胶呈现出最高值(235.5)。姜根(198.4),鹰嘴豆(175.4)和WhiteBean(166.6)淀粉凝胶具有中间值。木薯(48.9)和玉米(52.2)凝胶不那么胶肿。这些结果证实了深入研究的需要,以确定新淀粉在食品工业中的纹理成分的适用性。



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