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The effectiveness of the combined problem-based learning (PBL) and case-based learning (CBL) teaching method in the clinical practical teaching of thyroid disease




BACKGROUND:This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of PBL-CBL combined teaching in thyroid surgery and make observations from the students' perspectives, based on their satisfaction with the learning process.METHODS:We prospectively enrolled 354 fourth-year students majoring in clinical medicine, along with 232 residents, from September 2014 to June 2019. These participants were randomly allocated into either the combined PBL-CBL teaching group or the traditional lecture-based classroom group to attend a course about thyroid nodules. Both pre- and post-class quizzes were conducted. An anonymous questionnaire was also administered to both groups to evaluate the students' perceptions and experiences. We compared the two teaching methods among all the students as well as with the fourth-year students and residents in subgroups.RESULTS:The traditional group's pre-class quiz scores were significantly higher than the PBL-CBL group's (as determined by a two-tailed t-test at a 95% confidence interval, T?=?16.483, P??0.001). After class, in the PBL-CBL group, the mean total quiz score and the basic knowledge and case analysis scores increased significantly (P??0.001). The PBL-CBL group's performance improvement was significantly higher than the traditional group's (increasing from 52.76 to 70.51 vs. from 67.03 to 71.97). Furthermore, the scores for learning motivation, understanding, student-teacher interaction, the final examination, communication skills, clinical thinking skills, self-learning skills, teamwork skills, and knowledge absorption, as measured by the survey, were significantly higher in the PBL-CBL group than in the traditional group (P??0.001). Meanwhile, the survey scores representing the amount of students' free time the course consumed were significantly lower in the PBL-CBL group than in the traditional group (P??0.001).CONCLUSIONS:PBL combined with CBL may be an effective method for improving medical students' and residents' performance and enhancing their clinical skills.
机译:背景:本研究旨在评估PBL-CBL组合教学在甲状腺手术中的效果和效率,并根据与学习过程的满意度,从学生的观点开始观察。方法:我们宣传了354名专业的第四年学生临床医学,以及232名居民,从2014年9月到2019年6月。这些参与者随机分配给合并的PBL-CBL教学组或传统的基于讲座的课堂组,参加甲状腺结节的课程。进行了预先和级后测验。匿名问卷也被管理到两组,以评估学生的看法和经验。我们将所有学生中的两种教学方法与亚组的第四年的学生和居民进行了比较。结果:传统的集团的预级别测验分数明显高于PBL-CBL组(由两者决定)尾型T检验为95%置信区间,T?=Δ16.483,p?<0.001)。课后,在PBL-CBL组中,平均总测验评分和基本知识和案例分析得分显着增加(p?<0.001)。 PBL-CBL组的性能改善明显高于传统群体(从52.76增加到70.51伏,从67.03增加到71.97)。此外,通过调查测量的学习动机,理解,学生教师互动,最终检查,沟通技巧,临床思维技能,自学技能,团队合作技能以及知识吸收,在PBL中显着高得多-CBL组比传统组(P?<0.001)。与此同时,表达学生空闲时间数量的调查分数在PBL-CBL组中消耗的课程显着低于传统组(P?<0.001)。结合与CBL合并的PBL可能是一种有效的方法改善医学生和居民的表现,提高临床技能。



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