首页> 外文期刊>The Arts in psychotherapy >Effects of active music therapy interventions on attendance in people with severe mental illnesses: Two pilot studies

Effects of active music therapy interventions on attendance in people with severe mental illnesses: Two pilot studies


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The purpose of these brief pilot studies was to determine if there were differences between active music therapy and passive music listening in attendance rates, durational attendance, and treatment perceptions in people with severe mental illnesses. In both studies, the researchers conducted a series of active group music therapy interventions (lyric analysis, songwriting, music game, facilitated percussion interventions, and singalong) and passive group music listening sessions (recorded music via iPod) each for five days. During the first study, a higher percentage (15.53%) of patients on the unit attended the active music therapy sessions than the passive music listening sessions. Concerning treatment perceptions, participants in the active music therapy condition tended to have slightly higher mean perceptions of enjoyment and comfort than participants in the passive music listening condition. During the second study, participants spent more time in active music therapy sessions than in passive music listening sessions. Participants in the active music therapy condition also tended to have higher perceptions of helpfulness and amount learned concerning managing their mental illnesses than participants in the passive music listening condition. Results may have implications for funding psychiatric music therapy. Limitations and suggestions for future research are provided. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:这些简短的先导研究的目的是确定在患有严重精神疾病的人中,主动音乐疗法和被动音乐聆听的出勤率,持续性出勤和治疗观念是否存在差异。在两项研究中,研究人员分别进行了为期五天的一系列积极的集体音乐治疗干预(歌词分析,歌曲创作,音乐游戏,便利的打击乐器干预和唱歌)和被动的集体音乐聆听会话(通过iPod录制音乐)。在第一个研究中,与被动听音乐相比,参加主动音乐治疗课程的患者比例更高(15.53%)。关于治疗知觉,积极的音乐治疗状态的参与者倾向于具有比被动音乐聆听状态的参与者更高的平均享受和舒适感。在第二项研究中,参与者花在主动音乐治疗上的时间比被动听音乐上的时间更多。与被动音乐聆听状况的参与者相比,积极音乐治疗状况的参与者也倾向于对管理精神疾病的帮助和学习量有更高的认识。结果可能对资助精神病学音乐治疗有影响。提供了未来研究的局限性和建议。 (C)2012 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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