首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Medicine >Tranexamic Acid and Supportive Measures to Treat Wasting Marmoset Syndrome

Tranexamic Acid and Supportive Measures to Treat Wasting Marmoset Syndrome


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Wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS) has high incidence and mortality rates and is one of the most important problems in captive common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) colonies. Despite several reports on WMS, little information is available regarding its reliable treatment. We previously reported that marmosets with WMS had high serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9). MMP9 is thought to be a key enzyme in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease, the main disease state of WMS, and is activated by plasmin, a fibrinolytic factor. In a previous study, treating mice with an antibody to inhibit plasmin prevented the progression of inflammatory bowel disease. Here we examined the efficacy of tranexamic acid, a commonly used plasmin inhibitor, for the treatment of WMS, with supportive measures including amino acid and iron formulations. Six colony marmosets with WMS received tranexamic acid therapy with supportive measures for 8 wk. The body weight, Hct, and serum albumin levels of these 6 marmosets were increased and serum MMP9 levels decreased after this regimen. Therefore, tranexamic acid therapy may be a new and useful treatment for WMS.
机译:mar猴(WMS)的发病率和死亡率高,是圈养普通mar猴(Callithrix jacchus)菌落中最重要的问题之一。尽管有关WMS的报道很多,但关于其可靠治疗的信息很少。我们先前曾报道,携带WMS的mar猴的血清中的基质金属蛋白酶9(MMP9)含量较高。 MMP9被认为是炎症性肠病(WMS的主要疾病状态)的发病机理中的关键酶,并被纤溶酶(纤溶酶)激活。在先前的研究中,用抑制纤溶酶的抗体治疗小鼠可预防炎症性肠病的发展。在这里,我们通过辅助手段(包括氨基酸和铁制剂),检查了常用的纤溶酶抑制剂氨甲环酸治疗WMS的功效。六个WMS的殖民地mar猴接受了氨甲环酸治疗,并采取了8周的支持措施。该方案后,这6只mar猴的体重,Hct和血清白蛋白水平升高,血清MMP9水平降低。因此,氨甲环酸治疗可能是WMS的一种新的有用的治疗方法。



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