首页> 外文期刊>The Canadian journal of hospital pharmacy. >Playing in the Sandbox: Considerations When Leading or Participating on a Multidisciplinary Research Team

Playing in the Sandbox: Considerations When Leading or Participating on a Multidisciplinary Research Team


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INTRODUCTION: Research involves working to find answers to questions. Research questions of interest to pharmacists generally relate to any aspect of the discovery, effect, or use of medications, as well as the role of pharmacists within the health care system. This article describes the key aspects of leading or participating on a multidisciplinary research team so as to provide guidance to pharmacists involved in the research enterprise. The research questions that emerge from topics well suited to the expertise and experience of a pharmacist are often, by their inherent nature, best addressed by a team of people from different scientific backgrounds: individuals who can form a multidisciplinary team that will work together to develop and carry out all aspects of the research project. Although not all research questions require multidisciplinary research teams, it is beneficial to work as a team, with different perspectives, knowledge, and skills available to answer complex, multifaceted research questions. The team can integrate ideas across disciplines, advance thinking within and across disciplines, and go deeper and broader to create knowledge that can be used to develop novel, more meaningful solutions. Individual team members can also get to know new people (their fellow team members), achieve greater personal satisfaction, and have more fun along the way. Working as a team helps to improve knowledge translation of findings in multiple sectors, thereby increasing uptake and sustainability, and also creates wider networks and encourages development of professional relationships.



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